Nov 02, 2005 15:06
so here in my free time im taking the time out to dedicate my life to my journal.which i rarely keep up with in life. anyway.
ive been going through this plethera of emotions lately where im changing at random... one moment im bitching and complaining about how i refuse and dont want to learn anything academically related to music....and the next minute im all laughing and giggling because emily's rolly backpack cracks me up..the next im driving down the road and hear this song on the radio that reminds me of david and i get pissed off. and angry with myself...only to turn a corner and notice how beautiful the day is and get teary eyed because im so emotionally touched. Im very very irritated with people... i dont have the best customer service at work.. im yelling at pregnant women.. not saying thank you... and i feel nothing. i start crying at random moments during the day. the problem is i guess that ive been so completely out of touch with myself because im always doing something else...i just havent had time to think. i havent had my alone time, because im always with someone..or somewhere and i just havent gotten that chance to cater to myself. i dont feel very deserving of it either... nothing can be perfect..when it should be.
im refusing to go to refusing to learn music... i refuse to learn anything else until this semester is over... im irritated and disgusted with myself and basically the majority of people around me.
im tired. and exhausted. and i dont want to do anything.