hey, you learn something every day!

Feb 28, 2006 21:33

something i learned today: contrary to popular belief, seniors have to work pretty dang hard at try-outs because they owe it to the girls trying out to do the dance full out every time, regaurdless of how freakishly tired they are.
a new phrase from the day: making the beast (holla back AP nerds)
something i learned/realized lately: "Your best days are never so good that you are beyond the need of God's grace and your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the reach of God's grace."
something that knocks my socks off: there are about 10 weeks left in my final school year at the 
big H,big H,big S
something that has made me mad lately: people who are insensitive and think that they have the right to predict someone's outcome in life
song that can make me dance just by singing it in my head: "Breathe"-Sixpence None the Richer
person who has kept me grounded lately: emily "the cool one" Williams
person i have loved loving lately: sarah "my other half" Litchfield
person who can brighten my day by recognizing my existance instead of me having to make it annoyingly apparent: grace ann "the love" sooter
person i have thouroughly enjoyed mocking for my own sick pleasure and, who should probably try to physically harm me someday soon: jessica "my pseudosibling" johnson--- boy is she gonna love sb'06!
something that scares the smap out of me: my research paper
something that excites me: it's getting warmer outside 
the first word that comes to my mind at this moment: tarter sauce

ok, that's enough of the insanilty.

something i don't like...they put a limi

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