Sleepy me...
I need you more now
Than ever before
Life seems...
Ripping apart
Tearing at fabric
'Till there's nothing
Just pieces...
And broken dreams
They fill my head
Making me lose
Boredom fills me up
And dullness kills
Places where we are
Are places gone
Still I sit
Pondering that
Confusion reins
And all there is
Is fleeting rain
A sad story
Full of breaking parts
Just as it should be
Just as it was written
And now it's done...
*que Smurfs music* Lalala...etc...NO, I'm NOT drunk...although I play one on stayed in a Holiday Inn last night...:)
Thank you,
godtrip for inspiration tonight...great acoustic set!!! :)
I've been thinking about a girl tonight...NO, not Liz...or anyone else for that matter. Just any girl...*shrugs* I don't want to be alone anymore...I guess that means I'm ready to date??? Gotta be someone I can identify with...christian woman...moral, whatever THAT means...likes at least some of the things I like too!!! I'm scared...:/
I've done enough damage tonight...g'night...God bless...:)