I want to thank my friend,
guided_by_grace for the icons. I thanked her in comment, but I didn't thank her publicly.
I feel better today...feeling better through LJ!!! :) On my last two posts, the comments that I received from you guys really helped me help myself to seek God on this. I've done more praying, self reflection and meditation in the past two days than I have in months. Thank y'all...:)
On to Liz...while I still feel the same about Liz, I think it might be time to back off. She's still young, and I'm not that old(;P)...in other words, there's time. Right now, I should be dealing with myself, and my relationship with God. I'm not going to wait on hold anymore for something(Liz)that isn't going to come about anytime soon. I'm not going to look for someone, but if the Lord directs me to someone, I'm not about to refuse Him.
I feel better now...I've cleaned and cleared a lot of things up in my life in the last couple of days. I feel a lot of weight being lifted off of my shoulders...
I still miss Shawna though...I think that I'll call her now...:)