Yesterday morning I thought huh did Rocket eat that much before going out? then remembered the sounds of something trying to get into the house so I took note of how much food was in the bowl last night (because he was out last night) sure enough the bowl was mostly empty and the food Rocket threw on the floor was gone so yeah, whatever it is, is in here. I'm going to get traps for inside the closets and cabinets (since I've heard it under the sink). Sigh. Rocket wants out but it's so cold I'm not letting him go so maybe he can get whatever it is.
Something happened today that's never happened before: Six students from my morning microbiology class after 1 pm but before the 230 anatomy class dropped me and went with the other professor. Either I was so bad in class one or maybe they were in my friday lab and didn't want that. That means my friday lab is empty which drops the lab which drops me below full time in my contract by .5 hours. My dean says it shouldn't matter. We'll see
Fannish 50
threesentenceficathon is open and yet somehow I managed to put my comments in the wrong posts. I need to redo that (OMFG my brain any more) but I did write two (from 2024 as it turns out because again I'm failing at life)
All Thumbs hazbin hotel (and here we go with more kudos on this thing I sneezed out in 10 minutes than something I worked so hard on)
Needs Unmet Helluva Boss
So fannish 50 today (so it's not another negative fan post) what is your forever fandom? Even if you're not actively writing/drawing in it any more, is there a fandom you think you'd love forever? For me, it's Star Trek. I still watch it with great fondness. I wish I could see more of the newer stuff even though I have to admit I didn't much care for S1 of Discover and Picard got a bit...not really feeling like star trek. I really need to watch Lower Deck.
It's odd though. I have never been able to write much in this fandom. Drabbles and flash fic is pretty much it. The really weird thing is way back in the 80s I had been asked into a ST writing convention as a potential author (I think one of my professors arranged this) but it was so restrictive I couldn't imagine trying it. I guess I regret it a bit.
As for the aforementioned negative thing there's this
here on reddit. To recap it, some people don't like Angel Dust because he does have some negative gay stereotypes (the non stop sexual comeons which actually DO die down once we realize why he does it) and him being drug addicted etc etc
So this person waited in line for an autograph from a voice actor then mocked it up to make it look like the VA supported their campaign against the character and the creator.
this is a bit unhinged. I mean I came through Buffy's toxic fandom. I watched Supernatural's even worse fandom from the sidelines via friends but man this is a step way too far.