The Last Day

Mar 16, 2024 23:58

My uncle with the brain cancer came up to see me (long story as to why I didn't go there) Talked with him a couple hours.

And then suddenly it was dinner and we went to my brother's for St Paddy's day. It was nice, mostly sitting and talking, partly about the upcoming trips to Mexico. I got to meet the new kitten I'll be taking care of. She's very sweet.

I finished Hazbin Hotel's first season. I enjoyed it very much. I'd like to see more. If you're into anime especially Georgia Dow is a psychotherapist who does breakdowns of many different animated shows (I ran into her via Vox Machina) You might enjoy her videos.

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Tomorrow or monday (depending on how bad/good the drive home is) I'm going to share an exciting open call about getting a horror short turned into a horror comic. I have two that could fit. My Welsh monster story (which could use a bit more added to it) and my Colonial era water monster story. I'm not sure I can decide which. I need to think.

Had another weird dream, one of the pee dreams. Mine usually involve me never finding a toilet but last night it was my apartment and my toilet was missing. Just gone. And I was distraught, not so much that it was missing but because my apartment was a mess and the floor and tub were covered in mildew and I didn't want my landlords to see. It didn't occur to me until morning that there was no hole in the floor for the toilet in this dream. Weird.

video, these dreams

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