It's a struggle

Jul 20, 2020 21:49

I've been saying for a while now my school is suffering. The truth is all colleges are and covid is making it worse you can see more here.If I were younger, there'd be no question. I'd bail and go back into health care, probably as a PA. That still might happen but I'm in my 50s. I don't want to go back to school. I still owe about a half million ( Read more... )


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lordgloria July 21 2020, 02:23:34 UTC
Karoshi-Man lost another toe recently. He doesn't pay close enough attention to his feet and somehow got a bone infection. Now he only has the last two toes on his left foot. His right foot had Chacote's, and had to be entirely rebuilt. It's a wonder he still has both feet...


cornerofmadness July 21 2020, 03:02:08 UTC
Sorry to hear that too. I know I'll eventually lose some of my feet too


lordgloria July 21 2020, 09:37:03 UTC
God, I hope not. Diabetes is such a nasty disease. As a podiatrist, I'm sure you pay better attention to your feet than K-Man did.


cornerofmadness July 21 2020, 16:05:22 UTC
It's a horrible disease. But yes, I pay close attention to my feet. Should have seen me earlier this year (which feels like 10 years ago at this point) when I managed to get second degree burns all over my big toe (scalded it). It's scarred but healed


lordgloria July 21 2020, 18:34:28 UTC
Yikes! That sounds painful! Glad it healed up okay, scars aside.


cornerofmadness July 21 2020, 19:44:35 UTC
thanks. I was pretty worried


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