Not the Memorial Day I was hoping for

May 25, 2020 21:23

For one it was 90 degrees outside and humid making it miserable. Secondly I should have been in Ottawa at my conference right now and I was looking forward to that. Ah well (Next year it'll be in Albuequerque and I've not been in NM so that will be good). Woke up to people being hateful about Memorial Day on social media (I'm sorry but the people doing their remembrances are not responsible for the how the government handles the vets. We vote and do what we can. Telling me my well wishes are invalid because no one has helped you just makes me want to do less not more. Been seeing that so much lately)

I had no plans other than a small hike (and risk getting spitted on for wearing a mask. OMFG what is wrong with people?) but it was too hot and then Mom called. My aunt fell and dislocated her arm. So they spent the day back and forth to the hospital. My aunt's back home now and they're trying to get her in with the surgeon who did my shoulder. Highly recommend him.

In less bitchy news, I got a tiny bit more cleaned up. I found a via cd disc from 2006 of my old computer. I wonder what lost stories I might find! Thankfully Word can now read Word Perfect. One of the duffle bags I emptied was filled with hand written stuff (won't throw that out, not yet) plus a bunch of novel and story stuff that I need to read thru. If it's something I have, out it goes. I already see TWO Buffy stories I don't have and part of one that I have chapter one of. So this is treasure to me. I hate that I lost so much Buffy stuff but maybe there is even more on that disc. Crosses fingers.

One of my roses has bloomed. Unfortunately the elm trees are taking hold in that garden and my clippers can't handle them. I might have bigger pruners in the storage locker. I need to go look. if not, I need to buy some.

Going to need a beta for a couple Buffy stories down the road. sigh.

depressed, mia vita pazzo, family crap

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