I'll try to put these up reasonably early in the day and come back with my totals at the end because I'm such a night owl that if I don't I'll lose track of the time and be posting it up at midnight. Welcome everyone. I've lifted the intro materials directly from
What is the Write Every Day challenge?
Write Every Day is just what its name says: We challenge each other to write every, single day. Our goal is to encourage one another and provide the accountability and/or motivation that some of us find very useful in keeping the words flowing.
Who can participate?
Everyone is welcome! We’re an open-minded, nonjudgmental group of people who enjoy writing.
What do I have to do?
We’ll post each day with a little bit about our writing and a running tally of participants. All you need to do is drop by the comments to let us know how you’re doing. Please know that you are never obligated to check in. Also, if you'd like to comment on someone else's comment but aren't checking in for yourself, that's perfectly fine too. We're really easygoing 'round here, and conversation is absolutely encouraged.
Is there a word limit or quota?
Nope. Write as little as an “alibi” sentence (just what it sounds like-a sentence you write to say you’ve written, an alibi for the day, as it were) or as much as you’d like. All word counts are welcome!
Is there any restriction on the kind of writing I can do?
Absolutely not! Fanfiction, original fiction, screenplays, blog posts, meta, academic writing, morning pages, editing, letter-writing, nonsense poems: If you can write it, it counts!
Do I have to participate all the time?
No way! You can come and go at your pleasure.
New to WED? Got any questions? Feel free to PM me at
cornerofmadness I also like
zwei_hexen's twice a month rec post idea so I'll try one around mid month and one toward the end. And hey I got Feb in a leap year so that's cool. Also to all the new WED folk who subscribed to me, almost every sunday I do a writing post with lots of links if that's helpful to you.
ETA - It was a decent day for me I got 895 words on Light Through Cemetery Glass and posted it + 1734 words on Come Undone. Both are Prodigal Son
Day One: