And I am so mentally tired I'll just keep this brief. I'm not sure what made me sadder the predictable idiocy from the senate or watching them remove the Union Jack from the EU. What a terrible day for democracy. And then Mary Higgins Clark passed on. R.I.P.
But in happier news, welcome to all the Write Every Day people popping up (which is why I have all the new people. In the space of a few hours from confirming I'd be doing this until the people showed up I forgot I WAS doing it.) I did subscribe back (I'm pretty easy with friending) but no pressure to say around post Feb if my blog isn't your jam.
If you're unfamiliar with it, I'll have a bigger post tomorrow but all through Feb I'll be hosting the Write Every Day and if you've not done it before, feel free to join us. It's very low pressure accountability. We'd be happy to have you.
And since I forgot to post this last night, I do have a couple of nice fanfic recs for for rec Thursday (a day late). Both are Prodigal Son
Consoler Of The Lonely written for me at comment_fic
Surrounded by Your Friends A new friend was taking requests and came up with this for me.
And let me rec my own story which I have shared a lot recently
Come Undone mostly because I'm super proud of this canon divergent story AND the comments it's getting. I wish my original fic had comments like this