I accidentally kicked poor Kanda in the face. I didn't know he had run up behind me to greet me, I turned and bam, right in the face. I could feel the saliva and teeth all over my foot. Now he runs every time he sees me.
Dear Nature, the oak king has had his time. It's now time for the holly king to rise. So what's up with the mid-80s temperatures today? It's Autumn. The heat can die now.
I started Invokana today
This pill gets rid of glucose by making you pee it out. Anyone else think this is a bad idea to give a nearly 50 year old bladder with questionable release valves? Oh boy, I should probably buy some poise.... It IS making me terribly dry mouthed. Fun.
Second edits for the Welsh story are hear. oooo boy. yuck.
First new show crossed off my list How to Get Away With Murder Maybe I'll give it another chance but it's too soapy and as much as I WANTED to like this a) I really don't like law shows b) someone this disrespectful and nasty to students (in an attempt to make them eat each other and only the most intelligent will make it onto her team) probably really wouldn't have a job long especially at law school
I've been winning a lot of books from Goodreads. I started one yesterday (from the much beleaguered Hachette) and man, I hope chapter one isn't how this whole thing is. I didn't know it was romance. I knew it had a romantic element but thought it was paranormal. It's the other way around and thankfully opens with the protagonists, a 19 year old girl and a masked man who has done something. She is about to be attacked (and would probably have handled it herself) and he rescues her. I'm okay with that but she turns patting him down for weapons into a grope fest and he's thinking about his cock the whole time. Um.....really? what 19 year old girl anywhere (let alone victorian times) is going to feel up a strange masked man who came out of an alley??
declutter day 262 item tossed-Big bag of paper clippings and things I wanted to buy from catalogs why kept-I thought I’d at least get the books from the library why tossed- It’s way way too much paper crap