it's midnight, why am I hungry?

Sep 26, 2014 00:40

I have no idea. I don't know what they did at work but instead of taking weeks just to get my supply request thru the business office, I got the actual supplies (well from one company) in less than a week. I like this. I like this very much.

L'shana Tovah to my Jewish friends.

To celebrate I bring you 31 recipes from Andrew Zimmern Okay, let's be honest, Andy might be Jewish but he also never met a piece of pork he didn't love so here are more traditional Rosh Hashanah recipes Some of them looked absolutely yummy.

And today I bring pretty much nothing but links because I burned out my brain finishing a grant proposal and working up policy on religious holiday accommodations for the university.

First up kiramaru7 drew me this great picture of Prince Soma when I asked for something to cheer me up. (He's from Black Butler for those who don't follow that fandom).

From havocmangiwip pictures that made me laugh

From my friend ES fan made Buffy the Vampire animated opening trailer which was really cool and also she sent along this Amtrak residency writers winners I had sent her the application (or vice versa I can't remember) I DID apply. Never heard anything beyond' we got it' and you know I'm almost sad that the winners are all already high powdered authors.

Hmm how can one editor have almost no edits and tell me how lovely my story is but the next editor is like you used epithets, it's repetitive and passive. Oh. gee. thanks.

This song could be for SO many of my poor characters (Looking at you Strange, Nine, Kaleo and Sverre)

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declutter day 261 item tossed-Gosford Park dvd why kept-Thought it would be good why tossed -It wasn’t

recipes, work, declutter, music

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