checking in!

Jul 07, 2012 18:19

So submissions are due in less than two weeks! Ahahahaha yes. That snuck up on all of us. Get writing! Write like the wind! If you're already done I hate you for making me feel inferior!

THE OFFICIAL DEADLINE IS JULY 18TH. Let this date be written in flames on your Google Calendar, etc. If you need an extension contact us and we can work it out on an individual basis. If you need to drop out you don't have to notify us but it's nice to know ahead of time! If you want to change your mind about what you're writing you have until midnight on the 11th.

Any other questions, you can always just ask! And flaggeddown is here to comfort you in times of writerly distress.

Finally, please please please make sure your submissions are spell-checked and grammar-checked and tense-shift-checked and in the correct format described on the FAQ page and all of these lovely things before you send them in. We feel really strongly about making sure cornerflag is a polished, high-quality product, but we also both have day jobs now. The less we have to do to fix things up before posting, the less psychotic your mods are!

Hope you all enjoyed the Euros and are excited for the Olympics! And, of course, cornerflag. We sure are!



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