(no subject)

Sep 12, 2009 22:21

sometimes i spend lengthy amounts of time actively finding ways to make myself sink into a spiraling hole of depression.

renzo says existance is defined by time, space, and energy.
he has theories with which he claims he has the whole meaning of life figured out.
he seems depressed.
he also said, "I don't know, she's chubby." After watching the commercial I posted below. Hilarious.

I make my personal living spaces as unwelcoming as possible.

I watched an episode of Some Assembly Required today in which they made Steinway pianos. The creation is an art form in itself, a magnificant display of true craftsmanship. I was thinking how nice it would be to go to the factory and watch the process of its birth for hours on end. I would be mezmorised.

Today I took Renzo to the casino. I spent one dollar and got twenty on one machine. The rest of the time I filled out crossword puzzles, smoked cigarettes, and drank coffee. People look at me like I'm stalking a ninety year old man in a wheelchair because I sit out of his sight so he feels like he's being independant.

That statement seems sort of depressing in retrospect. Cross it out in your head.

I have no life now. Because I can't.

I also am without a home of my own, but that isn't anything unusual. It is, however, really starting to wear on me.

There was a part on the piano episode in which the master stringer shows how he strings the piano. I guess his hands were all scarred from strings accidently getting loose in his hands. I thought, "Art bites back."


I've been obsessively making lists lately. One of the good ones involves places I'm going to take Adrienne when she comes next month. The weight of seriousness in this matter is massive and unbearable. As usual.
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