And a HEARTY welcome back to one who has been greatly missed in these parts.
You don't play bass, do you?
So what are you doing now?
A smile that could wreck an armored car? There's got to be a girl behind that somewhere. Or maybe not. Maybe you just got lucky and found the coolest job ever.
Much as that would rock, he's out in fargin' TX still. Besides, we may want to be sniffing around for a guitar player to put on Alert 5, if you know what I mean.
I'm sure if you took a poll in the rest of the country, given the fiasco of the 2k election down here, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to give sunny FL back to the natives. Then the whole state would be opened up to gambling. Vegas would get killed.
Ask Pinhead or Spoontang or Gobioff. TY park was a part of all of our respective childhoods. Now...who knows. I don't even know if it's there anymore. And if it is, how much smaller and depressant it has become.
You don't play bass, do you?
So what are you doing now?
A smile that could wreck an armored car? There's got to be a girl behind that somewhere. Or maybe not. Maybe you just got lucky and found the coolest job ever.
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