Jun 21, 2004 22:21
Without fail, speaking with Paonessa inevitably turns to some reference of LiveJournal.
It doesn't matter if our conversation lasts 5 minutes, 50 minutes or the entire length of Once Upon a Time in America; he will invariably slip in some reference to LiveJournal.
Subject matter doesn't factor in much either. Wasting diseases of the bladder, love struck silliness, inspiring breakneck ramblings of creativity or just good old fashioned jeering commentary; he'll mention LiveJournal.
Alright already...I get it.
The problem is, I don't know quite where to start. So, I guess I'll just pick something out of the ether.
I've left Mojo's. I quit about 3 months ago. After 5 1/2 years of working at probably the coolest damned coffeehouse on the planet, I quit. Yes, it was a great job, but it was so amazingly unfulfilling and slack, that I just got stuck. No inspiration, no patience, no compassion, no energy, no drive, no desire. I had become completely, and utterly bored.
There really are only so many times you can get into conversations about The White Stripes, Cambodia, The Drug War, and Stupid People, before you just don't give a shit anymore.
I stopped giving a shit about three years ago.
But things changed. Or rather, I made changes.
I quit. Left. Shuffled off to Buffalo (no, not really Buffalo. I hate Buffalo. It's a pit and should be carpet bombed with flaming waves of rotted goat anuses).
I took a step toward change and it's payoff has been immense. Edifying.
The grandest thing that has come from my step out of the mire of my own prison of indifference was that I got something very special back. Something I love. Something that makes me feel real. I got my passion back.
It didn't matter where it was that I took the step to, but rather that I took the step. And in three short months, a very tired and dirty city of ennui has been blown to dust. I don't have any disparate relics of things I think I should care about, looming at the fringes of my vision. Now, it's new shapes, new forms, new paths.
I spent a long time missing something that made me whole. My Inner Muse.
It's good to be home.