Massive Update

Nov 30, 2005 08:59

Well now its day 3 at Camp Buehring. It’s not that bad but considering I have been shaming it up every chance I get of course its not. I have set up the international rates for my phone its 2 dollars a minute; it will be $2.70 when we get into Iraq. The fact that it will work amazes me. I really miss alone time, not for masturbating or anything just being by yourself for a little bit. Everywhere we go we are required to have a buddy with us, even if you have to go to the bathroom at 3 in the morning. Once the rest of the battalion and brigade get here it will be a lot different, right now we are pretty free to do whatever, when they get here however we probably will not have as much freedom. I wish I could go home for Thanksgiving, oddly enough I say that and I don’t mean Texas I mean Michigan. I really feel like I just adopted their entire family. I enjoyed myself so much it was awesome. Darlene, Kevin, Brooke, Andy, Mikey, Danielle, and Zach granted there was the awkwardness with Kevin. I really wish I had a Family like that I have people scattered around that don’t get together at all except as pairs. There are no younger parts aside from Shaun, Andrew, and JoJo. I really think I just need a larger group of friends my own age that like what I like movies, games, and talking. I really just think I have nothing to talk about with my family anymore other than the Army and I don’t like talking about that at all. Sometimes I think if I give in and accept the fact that it really isn’t that bad that I will get sucked in and never do anything better with my life. Honestly it wouldn’t be that bad to be in for 20 years but I just think it’s a waste of my life I feel like I have such a greater purpose than this mediocre existence. I wear the ring everyday but yet I don’t want to. I don’t understand myself sometimes. I don’t want to be but I am but I am refusing to be. I just need a girlfriend. Wow, how awesome would that be to have a girl to kiss and love and buy stuff for. Then my Kay’s card would actually have a use. I wish someone else was like me and thought of the nice things I think of. Like leaving saved messages on a computer or messages in a phone or written in hidden but often seen places. I, I, I that’s all I write. But I am blinded by the white light I can’t remember how I can’t remember why I am lying here tonight and I can’t stand the pain and I can’t make it go away no I can’t stand the pain How could this happen to me I make my mistakes got no where to run the night goes on as I’m fading away I’m sick of this life how could this happen to me everybody is screaming I try to make a sound but no one hears me I’m slipping off the edge I’m hanging by a thread I want to start this over again so I try to hold on to a time when nothing mattered and I can’t explain what happened and I can’t erase the things I’ve done no I can’t. I am Micheal Moose. November 22, 2005

Today is Thanksgiving Day, the first Thanksgiving that I will not be in the US. It seems so strange to be a plane ride away but be so far. It’s only a 9 hour difference to home. I am so thankful for all the years that I had a Thanksgiving and turkey and family. I am now guarding everyone’s things while everyone goes to Thanksgiving chow together as a brigade. I was no forced I chose not to go. I miss my home at 4809 Sabelle Lane. I feel like that House more than any other felt like home; I don’t even know why just something about it made it warm and safe. I thank God for everything he has given me and the wonderful life I have had, I only regret that I have not lived it as much as I think I should have. Yesterday, I figured up my phone bill and not including the last 3 days its already up to 600 dollars. I just hope everything goes through with the bank even though I know I will overdraft. Also, I talked to a bunch of old friends on AIM to include Ian Rock which is graduating college in 5 months it seems like yesterday I was at his 18th Birthday party, now I myself am turning 21 in another 5 months. In the past 4 years I have graduated High School been accepted and dropped out of the University of Houston worked at Joe’s Crab Shack and Gamestop, joined the Army, moved to Colorado, been to Atlanta, Georgia, Columbia, South Carolina, Phoenix, Arizona, Long Beach, Laguna Beach, and Los Angelos, California, driven from Fort Worth to Colorado Springs twice, driven from Colorado Springs to Brooklyn, Michigan and flown back, flown to Bangor, Maine, Frankfurt, Germany, and Kuwait City, Kuwait. I now sit on Camp Buehring a place quite literally in the middle of nowhere for my Thanksgiving 2005. As I read what I have just written I realize how much I have done and the whole time I have never been alone I have found friends in every place no matter where I was. Surrounded by strangers I have made friends of them. I realize how brave I have actually been to face the unknown and not be consumed by it but embraced it and made it my own, made a friend of it. I can honestly do anything for the sole reason that I am Micheal Moose, no one is like me nor can anyone be me I am one of a kind. I only hope that in the coming year and years I continue to make new friends and connections all over the country and the world. I am free to accomplish anything I want with no limitations. I love the Lord my God with all my heart and He loves me. I only hope that I can share that love with all those around me. WOW!!! November 24, 2005.

Oh the Places I have been
Fort Worth, TX - Amarillo, TX
Fort Worth, TX - Oklahoma City, OK
Fort Worth, TX - Austin, TX
Fort Worth, TX - Houston, TX - Galveston, TX
DFW - ATL - Columbia, SC
Columbia, SC - ATL - DFW
DFW - PHX - Long Beach
Long Beach, CA - Los Angelos, CA (Laguna Beach)
Long Beach - PHX - DFW
Fort Worth, TX - Colorado Springs, CO
Fort Worth, TX - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs, CO - Fort Irwin, CA - Colorado Springs, CO
Colorado Springs, CO - Brooklyn, MI (Onsted, Adrian, Jackson, Mt Pleasant, Detroit)
COS - Bangor, ME - Frankfurt (Han), Germany - Kuwait City, Kuwait - Camp Buehring

It’s day 9 here at Camp Buehring. Today we unloaded more vehicles from the trucks from the dock and Penzenik and I had guard on the sensitive items conex (weapons and radios and stuff). That was from 8-12 and jeez it was so boring. Other than that not much happened I tried to call Mikey to wish him a Happy Birthday, but alas he went home for Thanksgiving and left his phone with Danielle. I talked to Hernandez and he may not be coming out here anymore. Hopefully that’s for the better; he and Maria will probably be sending me cookies as soon as we get a real address since he asked me what my favorite kind was. I am missing home more and more, which is pretty bad considering it is only day 9. What’s it going to be like in 6 months? I hope to be on mid-tour leave by then and be legally drinking it up on my 21st Birthday. I text messaged Candace to get her to tell Fish I love him and to e-mail me, because I am in Kuwait. I don’t know what to think of all that. I really like him but I think all the acting straight around Army buddies is getting to me and I am starting to feel convictions about it being wrong and I just don’t know what to do; however I am Micheal Moose so everything will end up the way I want it to. November 28, 2005

So what I have been doing is saving my entries into a word document and I just realized I could just do a mass post and put them all in my journal YAY!! Laterz
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