[01 Sep 2006 | Friday]
OMIGOSH a story about a boy
Current mood:
coleen+boy+Icecream = amazing birthday...
[25 Sep 2006 | Monday]
Current mood:
alright so lately things have been going along really well.....but everything gets more and more confusing everyday....boys...gosh this is exactly why i didn't date last year...free to do what i wanted to and not worry about feelings tward other people.....yeah it's getting crazy and I'm going crazy now gosh.....what to do what to do lol
Plus we got a really cool lady @ winn dixie who gives out Lists of chores that are imposible to accomplish in the time you're there unless you ignore customers and check the bathroom instead...*eye roll*
[27 Sep 2006 | Wednesday]
Oh mi gosh Oober boredness is taking over my brain
Current mood:
So today...not as great as yesterday but good all the same. One Tree Hill came back so that made up for the crappy end of the day at school. If you couldn't already tell, i'm bored...i posted 2 pointless bulitens and i'm prolly gonna post some more just to pass the time till I fall asleep typing away.
FCAT retakes were today, look at me stupid SENIOR who is being held back due to the fact that she can't pass an effing reading test!!! I read all the time but not to FLORIDA standards i suppose *enormous eye roll* (btw tina if i spelt that wrong tell me) but i got a level 5 on the math the first time I took it...WTF is that?? gosh.
Havent talked with Joe in like 2 days again...but it's my fault this time, I've been working more than usual...and I've been there later than I should be so I dont have time to call him....but he dosen't call either so whatever i guess i dunno what i wanna do about it exactly.....it's all good then when i see him i still get all happy but i'm usually mad cause i never have time to see him and when i do he "has dinner with his parents" *sigh* boys
alright enough drama i'm making myself sick,
my new bud nick is no gonna have to be my enemy...he works at (dun dun dun) PUBLIX!!!!!! eeeeewwwwww stupid green vests lol
alright i'm done
Currently listening:
Don't You Fake ItBy The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Release date: 18 July, 2006
[02 Oct 2006 | Monday]
Playing Test IN first Period
We had our playing tests in 1st period today, I was soooooooo nervous...I could hardly stand it. At least I didn't have to go first, I would have thrown up or something. I know my scales and stuff I'm just so scared to play in front of people...I dunno why but it's always been like that, even when I give reports and stuff...I like to stand backwards so no one can see me and i dont have to look at them. So anyway, I was shaking like crazy and I ended the D scale with the end of the G scale but I tried to go back and fix it so yeah. Then Matt made fun of me in sixth period so I was mad at him for about 3 minutes. Then he joked around about feet....gosh boys are mean sometimes.
[09 Oct 2006 | Monday]
Most likely the most fun I've ever had at Winn Dixie :D
toinght was effing great. I stayed on the clock for 2 extra hours *yusss* and we had to move everything out of the main lobbie to where the carts go...and the carts out side. I know dosent sound like much fun but when it's Me, Jon, Cassie, Shane, and Cory, (cool neighbor boy)with my dad and Ms Pat in charge it's fun.
We filled little wheelie thingies with stuff to help move around, had random cart crashes, Drank cafinated soda, and just had a good ole' time lol. I dunno why it was so fun probabaly has a lot to do with the people I was with, cause they all rock. Judy the only one cashiering while the rest of us were running around emptying bottom shelves and collecting buggies, poor her.
Then cory drove us to mcdonalds picked up some dinner, came home, ate mcdonalds, took a shower cause i smelled really bad, and here i am, being the myspace whore i am *hearts* lol
[14 Oct 2006 | Saturday]
heck yes beeotch home comming
So yesh, yesterday was sooooooooooooo much fun. I was basicly at forrest for almost 15 & 1/2 hours in a row but it was good. After getting out of seventh early we had the PEPRALLY yay. It was kinda stupid but Tina and I made it fun.
Honor, Roberto, Corey, and me hung out at burger king for like 2 hours waiting for the game to start....or the atreyu concert (lucky corey) and for tina to get out of practice.
The game...at first no one was there but then everyone was there 30 minutes later. I guess you'd have to be there to understand the rest, but it was fun until tina's phone fell off the top of the bleachers but we recovered it.
the cheerleaders laugh at you when you try to do the cheers back and mess up really bad....we learned that lastnight too lol.
[29 Oct 2006 | Sunday]
"Lost Boy"
Alright so basicly my sister and I wrote this last night.
and yes it IS about someone i'm just not saying who :D
Are you that oblivious to the truth
That I can't fucking stand you?
You're that kid I hate
For always bringing me down.
You're the "lost boy"
That'll never be found
Then reality hits you
Like a knife in the chest,
You've realized that
You've got one life, until your death
If you wish it
I'd bleed my heart for you
The anger strikes again,
Cause you're a fake, a fraud, not a friend
Although you're stuck in my brain
And I'm going obviously insane
I won't go back
Because I've come too far.
I'll hold the gun to my head
Because to you, I'm already dead.
So lock love up and throw away the key
Cause all it's done in ruin me.
[07 Nov 2006 | Tuesday]
this=sadness readplz
Current mood:
yupperz I stole it from rachel because it needs to get around. READ IT AND PASS IT ON!!
Month One:
I am only 8 inches long
but I have all my organs.
I love the sound of your voice.
Every time I hear it
I wave my arms and legs.
The sound of your heart beat
is my favorite lullaby.
Month Two:
today I learned how to suck my thumb.
If you could see me
you could definitely tell that I am a baby.
I'm not big enough to survive outside my home though.
It is so nice and warm in here.
Month Three:
You know what Mommy
I'm a boy!!
I hope that makes you happy.
I always want you to be happy.
I don't like it when you cry.
You sound so sad.
It makes me sad too
and I cry with you even though
you can't hear me.
Month Four:
my hair is starting to grow.
It is very short and fine
but I will have a lot of it.
I spend a lot of my time exercising.
I can turn my head and curl my fingers and toes
and stretch my arms and legs.
I am becoming quite good at it too.
Month Five:
You went to the doctor today.
Mommy, he lied to you.
He said that I'm not a baby.
I am a baby Mommy, your baby.
I think and feel.
Mommy, what's abortion?
Month Six:
I can hear that doctor again.
I don't like him.
He seems cold and heartless.
Something is intruding my home.
The doctor called it a needle.
Mommy what is it? It burns!
Please make him stop!
I can't get away from it!
Mommy! HELP me!
Month Seven:
I am okay.
I am in Jesus's arms.
He is holding me.
He told me about abortion.
Why didn't you want me Mommy?
Every Abortion Is Just . . .
One more heart that was stopped.
Two more eyes that will never see.
Two more hands that will never touch.
Two more legs that will never run.
One more mouth that will never speak.
Currently listening:
...Is a Real BoyBy Say Anything
Release date: 10 October, 2006
[09 Nov 2006 | Thursday]
i'm in a horrible mood and i dont know why
that's all
[19 Nov 2006 | Sunday]
planet fest
I had so much fun :D
my ribs and my head got brused up durring 18 visions and RJA
drunk people were funny
pot was everywhere
and i have a headache still
James was there so was Chelsea
buckcherry = dumb
local stage = love
yupp that was my yesterday
[11 Jan 2007 | Thursday]
Current mood:
its amazing how well everything seems to be going at the moment. I'll kick myself later when everything returns to shit but w/e. School is awsome, I have no worries about my report card, I finally have friends like i did in VT, ones that understand my spasticness and welcome it. It floors me how much i missed being myself. This year is just what i had always hoped i would be able to have. I dont really know when everything just started to fit together so easily, it just happened. I can clearly see my future as a bright light rather a dark abyss of endless unhappiness and longing for somthing else. I can honestly say I'm happy in Florida no matter how much the weather sucks, gangster guys annoy me, or how much my boss is sucking right now. Its all ok and i'm ok with it. I guess i finally feel at HOME, something i havent felt in almost a year. Believe me, that's a long time to go with out having that feeling. I never realized how much i missed it untill I felt it again. does this make any sence at all? do i really care?
alright thats enough fluffy feeling happiness for one day eh?? love ya to anyone who reads double love to anyone who comments back :D
Currently listening:
Boys Like GirlsBy Boys Like Girls
Release date: 22 August, 2006
[04 Apr 2007 | Wednesday]
Current mood:
"i dont heart his fucking hair any longer"
spaghetti screws things up. and garlic bread sucks. but they're on the same plate and that's how it goes. The fork, meatball, and breadstick are down to 3 once more. Maybe it's better that way.
whatever happens bread sticks and meatballs always stick together and that's what counts in the end b/c garlic bread and spaghetti are for E minor Dominished objects and breadsticks and meatballs are so not Em0 cuz that's how we roll [around the plate of course]
so next time your stitting down for dinner keep the garlic bread as far away from the spaghetti as possible and your meatball will be in a much better mood.
[&& chirs: LIPboy is a SCREAMER]
dont try to understand any of this it's a crazy mess of an inside joke that's not very funny at all but makes it funnier to talk about.
and before i finnish a bit of advice:
[05 Apr 2007 | Thursday]
Current mood:
stupid fucking boys who never commit to anything they say. I got dumped a week before prom, what a mess. I'm so sick of all this bullshit. All prom has done for me so far is
-get me in 4 fights with my mom
-have a date
-not have a date
-have a date maybe
-not have a date
-have a date
-get in more fights with my mom
-go nearly bankrupt
-break my dress on purpose to get money off
-get so exicted for a normal girl thing
-not have a date
-feel like shit [again]
fucking i spent 60 dollars on a ticket for him for no reason. WTF.
lookin for a prom date
well look no further
Coleen comes with:
1 Free Ticket
1 Free Limo ride
and a butload of free food
lol, this fucking sucks, i hope i can get my money back cause i could really use 60 bucks on a lot of stuff rightnow fuck fuck fuck fuck i'm trying not to be mad but it isn't working. Maybe i should stop caring about boys again. It worked earlier this year and as soon as i started caring again i get shit on just like always. fuck
[11 Apr 2007 | Wednesday]
MY [senior] ATTEMPT
Current mood:
man oh man things are comming and going and changing so quickly. Prom, End of the Year Trips, Graduation, Vacation to VT, Warped Tour && Warped Tour again, Winn Dixie.
I'm just blah, I don't know how to react to the end of what I've always done. Will college be as different as everyone says? I'll have to work more, which means I should find a job I enjoy more than my current situation. I kinda hope it's going to be different b/c there are so many things I'm looking foward to but I also feel like a huge part of my life is comming to a definate end. I felt this way when I first moved, the VT chapter closed and the FL chapter opened. So what would this chapter be concidered that graduation colses? Childhood? nah, that was 5th grade 8th if you're lucky. I dunno what to call it but I know it's nearly over and if the next part isnt half as good as this one was then I'll forge a new birth certificate and re enroll in high school. lol
-end of my ramblings i love you if you read this
[15 Apr 2007 | Sunday]
Current mood:
it's honestly making me sick to my stomach to look at his face at the moment. I cant believe i fell so hard.
[05 May 2007 | Saturday]
Goodbye Goodbye
Current mood:
so tomorrow is my last offical day at winn dixie
I cant even begin to explain my excitement, i've put up with so much shit from that place in the last year and a half it's nice to know that soon it'll all just be a bad bad memory. I do not like bobby, she's does nothing but give me disaproving looks and walks around like she knows everything with out offering any help to anyone she deems "unworthy" well, I'm not putting up with anyone's crap any longer and i feel so FREE.
In other news i took the bus home from work today.....scarry stuff i'm tellin you. I had to walk all the way back to my house from 103rd not too long but i cut 12 minutes off my normal 20 minute walk. creeeeeeepy.
5 more days left of school, man oh man i cant believe it's really almost over. I feel like i have been waiting for this for so long and now that its here it doesn't even feel real. I feel no different, i'm still coleen, the million dollar hobo in a mansion, that-one-girl who likes harry potter too much, who's way too lazy, who has amazing friends and a supporting family. I hope all this 'growing up' junk comes to me soon because i honestly have no clue how to be an adult and frankly...i dont have any interest in it either.
[22 May 2007 | Tuesday]
woah to the max yo
graduation is in 2 and a half days, i'm so excited. The rug cleaners are here now, they totally sucked, rugs still look like shit but they smell better :D lol. I'm tired and bored and i've been meaning to write a blog lately. I have all this stuff that i want to put in it and all but when i finally sit down to write nothing comes to me. So here i am again BLANK with nothing to write about so i'm gone maybe i'll finish this off a bit more later but time to move furniture again so -fin-
[02 Jun 2007 | Saturday]
nope you cant read that one
Current mood:
it was just me getting stuff out that needed getting out. Maybe I'll even give the letter to the person it is written to, hopefully i wont have to but w/e
Things have been very up and down since graduation. The party was fun, it was cool seeing all the family i'd missed. Dale, Chris, Stevan, Corey, Robert, & Proffit were there, it was deff the best time i've had since. The way things were that night was perfect. If i could have bottled it i would sell it for a million dollars and people would pay that and more just to feel how happy i was that night.
I went with stevan to get his tatoo the next day. That was quite interesting. I know where i wont be getting a tattoo, cause well OUCH. It's pretty cool looking, not my style but it does look good.
Wednesday was fun then it sucked then it got better. Free milkshakes tend to bring your mood up Until more drama happened when we brought stevan his milkshake but w/e, its done now, i hope cause that was junk anyway.
and today was just bouring. I woke up talked on the phone went back to sleep, talked on the phone & texted. Didn't see anyone i wanted to see all day long and daycare is back in full swing with 7 kids. It sucks majorly. I need to find a job but I'm prolly gonna be gone for 3 weeks next month so i dunno who would hire me and take me seriously so i suppose i shall wait till i get back but this sitting around shit seriously sucks.
[02 Jun 2007 | Saturday]
i just dont understand the way this is right now
Current mood:
I don't understand how you're acting right now. You seem distant and unresponsive. Do you remember what I said to you the 2nd day we were dating? I told you that you could always be honest with me about anything. Even if it hurts me I'll deal with it. I just need to know what's going on with you. I don't understand "boy" and if there's something going on I just want to know. Ever since Monday it's been like this and I just don't know how to react to it all.
Our relationship has changed A LOT since then, we never talk about anything of consequence, you never seem to want to talk to me. I'm so afraid of putting myself out there and getting hurt again. I admit that I'm afraid of commitment, I know I am, and I'm dealing with it, or at least trying to. I think that's why I'm so worried about all of this. Please just talk to me, even if it's not good news I still need to hear it. And now I wont see you all weekend so I'm forced to send this over myspace like a loser but I don't know how else to tell you all of this. I tried in front of the church yesterday but it wouldn't come out. I don't know why but it just wouldn't. I miss the way things were, I'm not gonna lie but if this is going to last [which I hope it does because I like you and I've grown quite attached] we need to talk about what's really going on. I'm done for now please don't ignore this.
[11 Jun 2007 | Monday]
i HAVE to get over this
Current mood:
i dont want this to be so upsetting for me. I jumped in only to feel let down again. i just dont want to have made a mistake. taking it all down and looking at his well it's making me sick. SHE has my spot now. he knows how to make me mad and well you did it good job. this is sucking more then i thought it would be. i feel like shit and i dont want to anymore. i've cried more today than i have since my grandmother died. WHY did i let myself fall? why... my head is throbing and my face is salty [lol] it's quite possible that i may be sick over all of this. I just hope that this was the right thing to do. please God dont let this suck any more. NO MORE SUPRISES like that. i'm totally crushed and i shouldn't be please please uncrush me someone. I dont know what i did...i was so mad why couldnt this have happened before he "chose" me why did he "choose" me if he felt forced to be with me. WHY? i dont understand maybe one day i will.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nOWf4ytx44 = THE SONG
Currently listening:
All We Know Is FallingBy Paramore
[12 Jun 2007 | Tuesday]
an improvement
Current mood:
..> ..>
Disturbia = major LOL it was super good
today was better. MUCH better. i'm not over it though.
the song today =
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC-y8ULLDz4 yupp paramore is amazing
[19 Jun 2007 | Tuesday]
a reminder as to why i fucking HATE you
my MOTHER called today. what a whore. She is now the prowd owner of 1 poodle, 1 boyfriend with long black hair that wears more make up than christie and i put together, who has a house and is getting ready to LEAVE her ass b/c he's in a band [or will be] She's offically a SIZE 3, honestly what the fuck? && she's doing so much coke that she thinks i'll believe that she's lost so much weight b/c she got new teeth and it hurts too much to eat so she just dosent anymore. honestly you dumb bitch i'm not that stupid. She got fired from BURGER KING cause she couldnt pass a drug test and now her great ambition is to work at Hot Topic b/c we [my sister and i] shop there. like i'd ever use her fucking connection?? i would rather not know she existed much less have her call my house and list my family as a reference for her house to get refinanced, this is what i tell them next time they call
"that woman is more unreliable than anyone else on the planet. She kicked her own children out when they were 12 and 9 years old. She cant make any type of commitment to call them on any day, much less any imortant day such as graduation or birthdays. If you give her this money than you're a big fucking dumbass and I'll laugh in your face when she blows the money on drugs and parties. She's a 40+ year old woman who acts like she's an out of control 17 year old that lives to party"
I fucking hate when people lie to me, it kills me more than anything because of the woman that gave birth to me. the only thing that she's really good at is "enhancing the truth" i hope she dies tonight, and i'll never regret saying that no matter what. If she over doses right at this very minute everyone better be ready to PARTY like a rock star tomorrow night to celebrate the end of the most horrible person on the face of this earth.
goodnight all i love you
[25 Jun 2007 | Monday]
THE BEACH :] & other good stuff.
Someone returned my wallet
man oh man the beach was so fun yesterday. I love my friends. I just wish there was a way to make the sand less sticky, and not get in your bathing suit.
My tan lines are starting to blend in and i dont look so dumb. yay.
Oh and if u didnt know, I got a new dog about a week and a half ago....MAGGIE! It was my uncle's dog but no one was taking care of it so we got stuck with the beast....If you've seen her then you understand why i call her the beast. If you havent i'll put pictures up soon but she's really dumb. She makes me like Nikki, and i've hated that dog since we got her. but w/e
And on to my wallet i really got it back, no money but my grandfather's badge and one of my ID's were returned as well. I'm so excited i thougth i'd never see it again. i just wanna know why they kept my permit. They didn't put their name on the envelope but we found it on line in the phonebook thingy.
all in all a pretty good week.
[06 Jul 2007 | Friday]
Current mood:
the one i've been waiting for is finally back i could not be happier about anything at the moment.
[you know who you are and i love you]
in other news i'm going insane with college junk. I lost my scholarship and i'm taking out a loan.
I'm currently in the buisness of watching James' little brother who is quite spastic and winey but it pays and it's not a bad deal.
TONIGHT was great. We grilled PIZZA for real. it tasted amazing it's gonna start a revoloution. EVERYONE is gonna do it soon. Me Chris Corey and Ruben grilled pizza ate garlic bread [lmafo rofl lol] and watched STOMP THE YARD. Then chris and i listened to rap the whole car ride home it was more amazing than anything in the entire world. i love my friends and my life so much tonight it makes my head spin.
[02 Aug 2007 | Thursday]
FCCJ class schedule
Current mood:
8:00am-9:15am Human Growth and Developement
9:30am-11:15am Elementary Algebra
12:00pm-1:40pm Beginning Spanish I
2:00pm- 3:15pm English Composition I
8:00am-9:15am Human Growth and Developement
9:30am-11:15am Elementary Algebra
12:00pm-1:40pm Beginning Spanish I
2:00pm- 3:15pm English Composition I
6:00pm-9:00pm United States History to 1865
thursday's are gonna be LONG ass days but i need to make sure i get enough credits to stay full time and good enough grades to get into UNF in January. It's all a confusing mess right now though. I dont know if my Loan went through or anything. I'm so nervous that it didnt.
&& i need a job so if anyone knows where i could get one FAST lemme know cause i'd love you forever
[02 Aug 2007 | Thursday]
The Soundtrack of My Life
So, here's how it works
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing..
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool... and a lot of the songs fit with the setting
Opening Credits: I Am For You - Waking Ashland [thanks josh]
Waking Up: Rum is for Drinking Not for Burning - Senses Fail
First Day At School: College Kids - Relient K
Falling In Love: Casey's Song- City and Color
Fight Song: Stupid Mother Fucker- Mindless Self Indulgence
Breaking Up: Wow I Can Get Sexual Too - Say Anything
Prom: Stardust - FALL LINEUP [rip kbp]
Life: Fer Sure - The Medic Droid
Mental Breakdown: Image of the Invisible - Thrice
Driving: Fire Fly - Breaking Benja
Flashback: Ever Changing [acoustic] - Rise Against
Getting back together: Kind of Perfect - Armor For Sleep
Wedding: The Mix Tape - Jacks Mannequin
Birth of Child: I Never Wanted To - Saosin
Final Battle: The Shooting Star That Destroyed Us - A Static Lullaby
Death Scene: Burried in Your Back Yard - Nightmare of You
Funeral Song: Seventeen Aint so Sweet- Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
End Credits: Baby You Wouldnt Last a Minute on the Creek- Chiodos
[12 Aug 2007 | Sunday]
fucking a man oh yeah
The show was amazing last night. : ]
& my black eye makes me TUFF bitches lol
Fule is my favorite Jax Venue offocially
Amanda Mills, Cor Cor, Ruben, & Jason were amazing
quite sore still but I dont smell as bad anymore
[13 Aug 2007 | Monday]
looking for love in all the wrong places?
I'm sick of feeling like shit and the people making me feel like shit.
I've put up with it all for to long.
I'm done with the boys that lie
and I'm ready to just be happy.
Im starting a new chapter TODAY
One where i do things that make me happy
that make me feel good.
No more beating around the bush
I'm gonna tell people what i think
I'm done lying
& covering things up.
I'm out in the open and that's how it'll stay.
so if you're just gonna bring me down
do me a favor and forget you know me
If you're ready for the NEW me
i'm here the same as always.
My friends are my life
and they'll never know how much they mean
& my family is the shit.
it's time i stop taking it for granted
and really put an effort in.
So there it is & i dont care what YOU think
cause i'm fed up and i wont fall down again.
i promise myself that.
xCol. aka [the end bitches]
[21 Aug 2007 | Tuesday]
an up down day
Current mood:
I won a bowling game today. beat um' all with my 150. rofl. i got 4 strikes.
anything good ended there today. My really good friend got hit by a car this morning on his way to his bus stop. so after the game Me Honor Christie & Matt went up to see him. Corey met us up there. Man we got so lost just trying to get there but we finally did. Well his hip is broken and he's a bit banged up but in good spirits. He's happy and ready to start getting back to normal. He was joking and everything, so everything will be ok with him, and i'm glad.
As for the rest of my friends i just feel as if i've let them down lately. I cant handle being there for everyone anymore i have my shit to handle too and i'm completly consumed by other people's problems. I dont want anyone to be mad at me but maybe that's my problem, so maybe i need people to be mad at me. idk but i'm so stressed out and i dont want to have to handle everything at the moment.
I got a new job and i start school on monday. i'm so excited and happy about that. Meet some new people, do new things, and have money again. Get my car soon & man things are just finally looking up again and i dont want to go back down. i'm finaly out of the tunnel and i can see everything around me again and i dont want to go back in. I'm ready for this, for change. I've never felt ready for things to change, EVER before in my life but i'm going to fully embrace this and take it as far is i can.
[25 Aug 2007 | Saturday]
Forrest Football
yeah we won NO LIE
The game was good, some exciting moments and all. we sat next to the band of course & i saw ELBOWS woo. The drum line no longer owns my soul [rofl christie] and has got significantly less beautiful. damn freshman.
Me Meg and Dale went to mcdonalds when we got back to my house. Waited in drive through for a million hours and then met a prostitute and a drug dealer in subway. woo go jacksonville lol. then some chillin at the dining room table. all in all a good night. & now coll's being a bitch again so i should go.