"this may be the weirdest night of lizz's life" -javi

Oct 11, 2010 00:22

I JUST TALKED TO JAVIER GRILLO-MARXUACH ON THE PHONE OMG. Yes, Javier Grillo-Marxuach, one of my favorite screenwriters of all time and all-around awesome dude.

Much thanks indilime and phrasmotic.

OKAY. SO. Those two ^^ plus _allshallfade became best buds with Javi during NYCC this weekend and phrasmotic mentioned she was hosting a karaoke gig tonight (Sunday night) and so Javi WENT. And indilime, WHOM I LOVE SO VERY MUCH, emailed me and asked for my cell number. So I pretty much sat in my room all night reading my Middleman comics like the nerd that I am when my phone rings.

And Indy's like "He wanted me to call you now so you can hear him sing Elvis and then he'll talk to you afterward!" And the bar was really loud but I could totally hear Javi singing Elvis and then I hear "Lizz? LIZZ? Hang on, I'm going outside!"


Here's what I remember from our conversation:

Javi: I'm sorry you had to hear that.
Me: No, it sounded great!
Javi: You're being kind. There's no way that sounded good.
Me: Did you guys have fun at Comic-Con this weekend?
Javi: Yeah! It's kind of a working weekend for me but I have a lot of friends in the area so I get to see them, too, and that's nice. So are you going to come out to New York or San Diego one of these days?
Me: Well after what I've heard about this weekend, I'm really gonna try to go to New York next year.
Javi: Good! Um, Marjory has been handing me Manhattans all night so there is a distinct possibility that I may not remember this conversation in the morning, but I promise not to deny it on Twitter.
Me: Oh good. Yeah, I'll remind you on Twitter.
Javi: Good, okay. I'm gonna go back inside now.
Me: Well thank you so much for calling. Really, this was awesome.
Javi: Thank you for listening! Okay, I'm gonna hand the phone over. Handing the phone over in three.... two.... one....

And then I chatted with Indy for a while AND THIS WAS LIKE THE GREATEST BELATED BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER HOLY SMOKES. And she was so proud that I swore in my tweet 'cause I was all excited. And now I definitely absolutely have to go to NYCC next year because I so desperately need to hang out with indilime, phrasmotic, and _allshallfade and our new buddy Javi. caffrey, you and me, we're getting on planes and DOING THIS.

And now Indy's Twittering: "He's worried that this phone call has shattered your image of him." OH, SO NOT TRUE.

I LOVE MY LIFE. AND MY FRIENDS. Best end to my weekend EVERRRRR.

ETA: Aaaaand now he's hijacking Indy's phone and tweeting me and caffrey just made him laugh and HOLY TOLEDO TONIGHT IS AWESOME. Seriously. Haven't felt this awesome since TSE.
ETA2: OMFG, I ALMOST FORGOT. After Indy got the phone back, Marjory got on and we started quoting The Middleman, specifically Wendy and Tyler's "I kinda love you" conversation AND JAVI JOINED IN AND STARTED QUOTING WITH US. HOT POCKETS ARE THE AMERICAN EMPANADA. WHAT. WHAT.

pen: javi, friends: lj

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