could be the worst thing

Aug 20, 2008 16:46

ENG 372: Business Communications - This should be fun. I had the same professor for my Report And Proposal Writing course last semester (which I loved); she's really great at explaining things and giving great feedback and answering emails promptly. However, I had my Report/Prop class with Kerryanne and she's not taking this class so I'm lonely. :( It's in the same classroom as the other class and no one sat next to me today so I kept thinking "Gosh, I wish Kerry was here with her laptop and saving our assignments with names like LizzSmellsLikeSheHasBeenOnTheLostIslandTheWholeTime.doc" But yeah, other than missing Kerry, this should be an interesting/useful class.

Work - Had it again today. But the important thing is I got a key today! Not to the whole office, just to my cubicle-with-a-door. But still, I feel all official. I've never gotten a key before.

HST 365: American Films As History - This one is going to be different than what I was expecting. My previous two film classes we actually watched the films in class and discussed them afterward. For this class we're expected to watch the films on our own time (but we have access to them online/at school library) and then we discuss them in class. Plus, we're doing like general history of the time the movies were made and stuff. I think it will be interesting, but listening to Casey talk about how intense her history classes have been for the last three years, I'm a little nervous. Our professor seems pretty cool though; he was pretty amusing today and he seems to swear a lot.

In other news: OMG OUR FIRE ALARM IS BROKEN. And by 'broken' I mean IT'S BEEN BEEPING FOR OVER 2 HOURS. And we sent in a work order and no one has come to fix it yet. Probably because this is happening to MOST OF THE HOUSES ON THE BLOCK. Meaning you can hear it outside, too, and there is no way to escape the beeping. *turns up music*

work: ela, school

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