cont. 05:
annapurna_2 +
ebonypsyche +
pandora95; 12:
mad_brilliant_ +
jamalov29; 14:
bloodshedbaby; 15:
kantayra; 17:
darlaslilgirl +
inxsomniax; 22:
schehrezade_1; 23:
no_delusion; 25:
slaymesoftly +
facingthesun; 29:
cloegirl +
randie508; 31:
redwulf50; 31:
talesofspike Happy Birthday to you all!
A good day to you all, if you see this too early, in time or not at all and wherever you are :)
- "Having eyes, but not seeing beauty; having ears, but not hearing music; having minds, but not perceiving truth... These are the things to fear..." Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Dad Jokes:
What does a spy do when he gets cold?
He goes undercover!
Stay save, you all!