Jun 29, 2008 00:21
Does anyone know of any good craftsmen capable and willing to do custom engagement rings?
At this point I'll entertain any offer, because my patience is gone. I thought I'd finally found a professional, someone who was good at what he did and almost more importantly, someone who ran his business in a professional and reliable manner. I made an appointment to meet with him at the Potomac Celtic Festival, this was theoretically to be a design appointment. Turns out he dislikes designing at such a fair, too noisy and nowhere to really meet in private. So I was to set up an appointment to meet him at his home, it was all set and ready for Sunday the 29th at 1pm and up until tonight I was expecting to go. I regret opening my e-mail, because it contained a cancellation notice sent this afternoon. It just won't work out. Maybe later, an appointment at the Renaissance Festival he says.
Wow . . . just wow.
Here I thought he didn't like to design at festivals. Well apparently he's trying to make do, though if he was going to make do perhaps he could've done so at the Potomac Celtic Festival, two weeks before instead of two months away. Worst part: He said he likes to meet both people involved before designing the ring, so in order to set up this appointment I had to spoil the surprise to Wren. She's not filtered on this, there's no point anymore. So yeah, I'm just a little pissed as one might imagine. But seriously, it wasn't rhetorical because at this point I'm desperate. I really want to give Wren a custom ring.
So please, if anyone knows a capable and willing artisan, please, please pass their name along. I'm two steps away from walking into a jewelry store, and one step away from going insane.