Jedi Mind Trick

Mar 18, 2009 12:33

 So sometime between Mar 7 and Mar 10, I lost my wallet. However, I didn't notice until this past Sunday that I had really "lost" it.

My flight leaves next Wednesday. There is no way I can get a photo ID before then.

However, I could call Nicole and have her fax me a copy of my birth certificate. That is one phone call I am not looking forward to. TSA guidelines state that I could theoretically fly without an ID should I have a copy of my birth certificate and one other non-photo ID. My only problem? My social security card was in my wallet.


So I have a few options, none of which are appealing. I could

-Try to see if the TSA will take a photocopy of my birth certificate and something else I can drag up;

-Try to sneak past security by waving my hand and saying "these aren't the droids you're looking for";

-Delay my flight out and hope to god I can get some money together (can't get my paycheck cashed without photo ID);

-Hitch hike back to CO while letting nasty truckers take it out on my behind.

Not the best of options, I think. Personally, I'm all for the Jedi mind trick....
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