Dec 15, 2009 19:29
Gah, yeah, brother graduated today. Welcome to High School (Livinghell) bro. :) They gave them some souvenirs (the funny thing is, I don't remember getting out of there with any souvenir on hands), that's new. There was a quick video made by god knows who, that's also new. I felt weird, guess it's coz I'm not used to my brother growing up and actually being a... grown up kiddo. He's still seven for me! And you know, seven years old grow up to be... eight years old, and that's still brat! I'm not used to the fact that he is slowly approaching my stature either... You can grow taller.. but stay there damn it!! *wave hands frantically* I know I'm not tall, but it felt good to look down at him and scowl. Ugh.
During the whole celebration, I discovered one shivering truth. Mom doesn't know how to sing the national hymn.
The violin presentation is kind of freaking me out. I wanna do it, I want to play Seishi in front of an audience (and by audience I mean "audience", but it's even more serious because there will be people whose opinion I actually care about XD so yeah, shit.), but at the same time I'm so sure I'm going to screw up- my arm is going to move on its own like it always fucking does-. I wouldn't say I'm nervous, that's not the word. It's... like I'm disappointed at myself even before playing XD And I AM practicing. Gah, I told Karina -teacher- I wasn't prepared for it, but she really believes in me. "Crees que elegiria alguien si supiera antes que hará un papelón?" She asked me. And that was a rethorical question I'm sure, coz she kept on taking her things away after saying that and I couldn't answer. Oh, I'll do it, what the hell. Deep inside my soul, I'm excited about it xD
Livejournal is turning out to be interesting. But I don't have any freaking idea how to do things. I went to (more like I came across) a tutorial saying how simple it is to create your own layout/theme in CSS mode, or some jazz like that.
...What the fuck? Isn't that improvised cantonese? Are you sure?
Meh, me not like tutorials. XD photoshop is other. Say wut? Remember to choose a transparent layer? Why? xD Explain things! And if it does: what the hell is that again?
I'm seriously retarded when it comes to those things *sigh*. Maybe someday...
Anyways, now I'm trying to change this layout, I don't think I like white color everywhere, it lacks life. And the fact that the flower up there (if you scroll up you'll see) comes out of nowhere frustrates me. The person who created this theme had a squared pattern that each 2 times it is selected, is repeated. One, two, three or four clicks and presto. "I'm done with this layout, now it's just a matter of waiting for some dork to choose it."
>some dork.<
Again, I'm complaining too much. Sorry unknown person.
me violin brother livejournal