I have recently found ATWT's Luke Snyder (Van Hansis) fairly unrecognizable. Therefore, in order to remind myself why I originally became so attached to this character, I have decided to post some old clips that I feel really capture a poignant point in Luke's life. These scenes also show, for me, how fantastic Van Hansis is at portraying all of Luke's emotions and complexities.
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In this scene Luke is caught passed out from a night of drinking with his friend Kevin. His grandmother, Lucinda Walsh, tries to understand why he is risking his health by drinking (he is a kidney transplant recipient). Luke struggles to explain his actions.
The, "Why do you want to die?" line from Lucinda just gets me every time and the exchange afterwards about what Luke wants but can't have is just heartbreaking. This is why I watch soaps. I watch for family connections and honest emotions.
In my opinion, Van and Elizabeth Hubbard are superb in this scene. I understand why certain viewers enjoy and believe that some of Van's best work occurs when he is at "high volume" and "high emotion." However, for me, it is some of his quiet moments like this one which shine the brightest. Why Van did not receive more recognition from the Academy for this story line is beyond me.
Clip Courtesy of: MarkDutchViewer