And the rant goes on!

Aug 07, 2012 22:27

*NOTE: Update was written last week but posting was delayed due to sleep deprivation and metal exhaustion.*
To those whom it may concern: You thought I was bitchy before? Here's some generously bitchy advice--

You die alone. Tolerance is the best you'll find. The glass is half empty. Do you think the world owes you something? Well, you're wrong--it doesn't owe you squat. Anything "bad" that enters your life was brought upon by your own means; being a martyr about it isn't going to help your case. Laziness is a deadly sin... it's called sloth and absolutely nothing good comes of it. Good friends are hard to come by so treat them with respect or otherwise they will leave you... Give me a good damn reason why they shouldn't! Good people are few and rare, listen carefully, treat them like gold.

Do you have a problem with your weight/ living situation/ decision/ etc.? Do something about it... It's not called "freedom of choice" for nothing. Don't act ditsy to be cute because honestly all that does for you is make you look stupid. Fake tanning excessively makes you look orange. No, seriously, it does! Don't tell a girl she's beautiful to get into her pants. Don't sleep with a dude because he calls you beautiful. Your social status and economic standing means nothing to your essence in the after life.

If you're planning on losing you mind... do it on your own time. If you're too much of a coward to say what you want to say then STFU and don't say anything at all. If several people tell you that you can't sing... it's not because your choice in music isn't their taste, it's because you REALLY can't sing. Always remember that 2/3s of the time people say that they are kidding, they're really not. If you don't feel well--go see a doctor, if you don't want to then quit your bitching.

Wouldn't it be amazing if we could all just be rich? If we all had the same amount of money and all goods are common and communism spreads! Oops.. did I say that? Equality is nonexistent until death. You're wrong if you think the media/government is trust worthy. Trust no one but yourself and even then...I have my doubts.

Don't mix business with pleasure. "Friends with benefits" is just a nice way of saying "you're both noncommittal." Get it? Probably not. Do you have dreams? Pursue them but only if they're realistic. Don't be a hypocrite. If someone compliments you... say thank you! Are you physically able? Does your intelligence level surpass that of a second grader? If you answered yes to both questions then you are fully capable of accomplishing ordinary tasks... no one else needs to do them for you, you lazy selfish bum. Unless you're a parent; telling someone to do something "because you said so" just won't cut it.

Follow your gut. Read between the lines. Guys are dumb and women are crazy. Coincidence can only be coincidence so many times. Getting "wasted" makes you look foolish and irresponsible. Just because you WANT to do something doesn't mean you should...


Bitching gets you no where!

Dang it!!@#$!% ;)
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