What has been happening academically in my world

Jun 18, 2013 10:28

I have had some radio silence on this so that I can stand back and see where I've landed. It is so not where I intended to be at the beginning of this journey, and I am still in a state of amazement when I look around. Not done yet by any means but here are some of the things that have been happening and some of the things I'm contemplating or aiming for.

I received this a few days ago from my professor, Pamela Karimi:

I am the reviews editor for the International Journal of Islamic Architecture/ IJIA.
We usually review scholarly books. But this book has caught my attention for some days now and I strongly feel that we have to review it in the journal, so that scholars know about it:
I cannot think of anyone better than you to take care of this task.

Needless to say I was blown away. I am waiting on the arrival of said book and am looking forward to this, but wow, didn't see that one coming! Somehow I am becoming an Islamic Art scholar, and it was so gradual and natural that I didn't really notice! It is very cool though. this same instructor wants me to get a residency here:
Well, if i have to....(SQUEE!)

I really am working towards having a small website and an Etsy store by the end of summer. Here's hoping.

Restructuring my honors project to make it feasible, while still setting things in motion for original idea to create on my own in its time.
Figuring out ideas for my Senior show.
Weaving a gorgeous wedding cloth, just because.
Working on 2 new art book ideas.

Aiming For:
I am applying to be an Fulbright English teaching assistant in Morocco. I start tutoring in Darije (Moroccan Arabic) at the end of the month. I have found  a native speaker named Jamal who is fantastic. We will discuss language, culture, and if time allows, see about some basic conversational French. I am taking Arabic 1 starting this fall (because one should always start learning a new language in their senior year:) I have hopes!

I am also looking into graduate programs for a Masters degree. preferable one in Applied Craft and community building or international relations. I have found a few, but am still searching for what I want. Possibilities include the University of Edinburgh, Oregon State, Oregon College of Arts and Craft, Indiana University Southeast, Virginia Commonwealth University, Maine College of Art, and I am still looking into others. I will see what else I can dig up. I have to narrow it down because ARGH! application fees.Interdisciplinary here I come.

Also on the plate is the Boren fellowship. It's a long explanation so have a link:
Would allow me to continue my language study, earn my degree, and have a government job after, possibly here http://www.nea.gov/

A few things on my plate, but as structured as it sounds, I'm still winging a great deal of this. I'm not sure what I will be doing, but right now I am focused on making things and getting to Morocco.

Till next time True Believers!
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