You may have heard someone say it. You may have thought it. You may have even tried to compile lists of all the various foods that would be made better by bacon. (No? Just me? Okay, fine.) Green beans, check. Sandwiches, check. Black bean soup, check. Scallops and overpriced filet mignon, check. But what about desserts -- wouldn't that just be gross? I counter that if Elizabeth's in New Orleans makes praline bacon -- yes, that's right, meat that might as well be candy -- that tastes heavenly, then why can't bacon branch out?
H1: Bacon makes everything better.
Ordinary cookies, right?
Okay, you got me. They're not ordinary. They've got white chocolate chips in there too.
But wait! Is that... it looks like... could it be... scrumptious bacon??!!?
It is! There's bacon in that cookie!! And, weirdly, it's pretty good!
I topped these with a maple glaze and little bacon flags advertising "Hey, there's bacon in here!" for any unsuspecting passers-by who might be expecting ordinary non-meat-enhanced chocolate chip.
Conclusion: I can't say that they're "better," but they're certainly not bad. I like to think the novelty gives them a competitive edge.