(no subject)

Feb 26, 2007 09:38

I'm having a very down day today.

watching the oscars with Sara and Joey last night I was really not feeling well. Ended up having a panic attack on the ride home, partially because I felt like I  had been a big fat bitch for leaving early  and for a few little things I had said to Joey during the day ( mainly that while I wanted to live with him when opportunity presented itself  I was still worried that three years down the road we were completly going to fall apart like neff and I did) the other part being that I had lost my keys and was getting flashback of last year when I  was left in a snowstorm because my landlord  was a dick and said I should have made doubles :P

so between those two things I didn't sleep much. I have a midterm tommorow for the dreaded pop culture class, which I'm terrified of b/c my prof is a lunatic. and I'm on ten shift warning at work which usually doesn't bother me ( has happend before)  but in my oh so cheering state i worry this is the one time I won't be able to turn things around.

Can't even see Joey today b/c he's got his own issues to deal with. one of his co-workers died last week  and the wake is today. After that he's  going to see  his parentals.

ugh. the one word to sum this up is UGH
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