" there is no law against stupid unfortunatly"- My mother

Feb 14, 2007 08:43

So I have a bet with Joe. Originally I had 'cancelled' valentines Day because I had too much work. BUT If I can get my outline and the first page of my paper written by the time he gets here tonight... He's going to take me to see Music and Lyrics :D

So on a study break I was cruising IMDB. and there was a message thread on the music and lyrics site  called " needlessly confusing plot." so I started looking at it to see what people had to say. Here are some examples:

"Why does he have such a complex tattooing system and why does it not give an explanation for his memory loss?"

"Personally, I enjoyed it but I felt it didn't need to have quite so much gore. Of course, it was really cool when Hugh severed his own posessed arm and replaced it with a chainsaw but I thought other parts of the film were a little unrealistic

"I disagree, it was really realistic. Especially the part when Hugh Grant had to jog from New York to Montana in less than an hour or his son wouldn't get his brain transplant. Although that whole scene with the CGI talking fish completely lost me."

it goes on and on for about 10 more posts with different plots from movies. If you can you should go read it.

but alas the moron patrol was out in full force and people were not only not getting the joke but wel...:

"yeah im comfused u guys are tlkin about random stuff NOT in Music and lyrics (2007)....... joke or not u arent being funny! just plain weird... did u read what this post was about?? (and no i didnt think the plot was confusin at all..) "


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