Title: When You Cry [1/2] Pairing: Bobby/Hanbin Rating: PG Type: Bandfic Genre: Angst, fluff Length: Two-shot Summary: It takes some time, but Hanbin learns to give and take comfort.
SOO SWEET!!! T_T I've read a lot of Bobby being Hanbin's comfort but omg Hanbin comforting Bobby is so precious...especially since he's younger but it makes so much sense and I can so see this!! I can't wait for the second pt!! Great work!
OMG! This was so sweet and precious! MY POOR HEART! I loved it when Hanbin couldn't ignore the sniffles anymore and goes to comfort Bobby! And he keeps comforting him!
"And then there's times when Hanbin comes back for his minutes of sleep and his empty bed isn't as inviting as it used to be. Instead he turns to one that's already warm and filled with someone who welcomes the intrusion without comment."" OMG THIS WAS PERFECT!!!!
MY HEART! I really, really, really, really enjoyed this! Thanks so much for posting and writing it! oxoxoxoxoxo
Comments 3
"And then there's times when Hanbin comes back for his minutes of sleep and his empty bed isn't as inviting as it used to be. Instead he turns to one that's already warm and filled with someone who welcomes the intrusion without comment."" OMG THIS WAS PERFECT!!!!
MY HEART! I really, really, really, really enjoyed this! Thanks so much for posting and writing it! oxoxoxoxoxo
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