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I think I might watch a few episodes of Faking It, a MTV comedy about two high school best friends who pretend to be lesbians for high school popularity. It showed first episodes signs of both hilariousness and appallingness. Fingers crossed for sustained hilarity, although I could be hoping for too much.
I'm flailing about a bit, TV-wise. Elementary slumps when Mycroft shows up, a terrific waste of Rhys Ifans. The show made a rare emotional misjudgement in making Watson a territory for Mycroft and Sherlock to fight over. Acknowledging it in the text does not make it better, show. Five seconds of Miss Hudson is also not enough.
Arrow I'm still processing. I'm so used to being in denial at shows for killing off characters recently, it's strange to be sad but accepting.
Agents of SHIELD is heaps more fun than it was three episodes ago. Not only because Hydra!Ward gets to have more facial expressions, but I like the new uncertainty. A show about people who do little more than exercise their institutional power is less entertaining than one where those people are dealing with the catastrophic loss of it.
Being Human US ended with a gag-inducing couple of scenes. Why not lay some custard on top of the icing on top of the sugar on top of the sickly sweet meringue disgustingness of tying up everyone's love story with a heart-printed ribbon. Blech. I shall always think of it ending with Aidan walking through his door. Aidan reclaiming sacrificing his humanity shouldn't have been dismissed as a mere step to the reward of forever Sally.
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