(no subject)

Apr 30, 2004 22:52

yesterday was good.last night i just sat in my room thinking alittle bit. it felt good listening to music laying there and feeling the cold breeze. then dan called me and we talked for an hour.. it is scary how his favorite place is the beach, and he likes sherbert and doesn't eat really meet except for chicken.. it was awsome.
then today was really a normal day at school except for one galaen said.
" i am driving to the penis of new jersey, and we started laughing and she was like lemme show you!"
she drew on my hand what it was like with an added HI MOM on it. i took a picture of it, i thought it was grrreat.
then we went to the mall.
got a shirt, and 2g and tina i hope still has the other one because i can't find it and i spend alot of money on them compared to my 5 dollar ones.then jeremy and i had a hitting eachother with our spit on our hands. he gots me so much. i got a few good ones on the face with him, but you know how it is.
my stomach hurt after whatever happened.
then we went to botb..i went into with the flashlight i pirated from tina.. it was useful. then i talked to dan alittle while on the phone and that was good :-). we went outside and it was so nice. i loved it, lizzie and i danced. sammi went on top of me that was unconfertable haha.. but then lizzie it was the greatest thing. lickapastisio nuts. and pulling all these porn moves on the ground. it was so funny. then we were talking about how it would be bad if james saw her doing it, and then sure enough he did. it was funny as hell. then i saw travis.. :-)and he wanted to go to burger king.. then forever fades came on.. and they were good. then to wendys.
annnndddd yeaaaaahhhhhhh
i guess

I love kristina so much and she better frikking know that <333

haha there it is, gaelans drawing.

pretty tulip


 blurry :-(

 i love spring.

i love it getting warmer, it is making me feel so great and like a new person. tomorrow is beach with crystal i am so excited and i might see dan :-)

lizzy is so nice and i think she is a great girl .. she is also so cute and i think that she deserves someone so great.
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