I've been feeling rather meh after (during) the moot, but the more I reflect on it, the more I realise went right :)
Not enough time to DO ALL THE THINGS.
Sorry to the people who didn't get massaged, it was a combination of time and a cut on my arm pulling open from the pressure, and if I don't use my forearms I can't do (IMO) a good massage.
The Gryphons being let down twice over rituals. Will write something for emergencies. It might even not be elfy!
Not enough elven contributors.
The cold at night.
What happened to Albion. Only matches the rumours that were around pre-event so if that was LT trying to fix things, it hasn't helped their PR. Didn't get to see much of the Hunters, sorry guys.
Didn't realise my short swords were in the tent or I'd have taken them monstering before monday. Dagger boy work with a polearm is a bit more tricky.
Elfing. There's such a fabulous group of people at the core of Team Elf, you're amazing to RP with and I love spending time with you all.
Getting the Elf stone back on the day I have a ritual slot available. Ritualling, yay!
New Elf ability. I went IC on monday just to use it.
Elf tent.
Scouts. You guys rock! Although I am AMAZED at the amount of people who will accept sweets from someone they don't know inside the Scouts guild.
Gryphons- chatting in the Percy tent. The Elf/ Empire vibe with Gaius.
Deals with elemental lords (oc mental voice going "Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK")
Musters! I went to some!!! probably more in one event than I managed in a year at the Vipers.
Monstering part 1- had a pre-arranged role for the Jackals, thank you Pete and Lolli for giving me the opportunity and a brief of "Go be a sarcastic unliving bitch at them." I think I've had practise at that ;-) Had a player come up to me afterwards and tell me how he was throwing his plans out the window to deal with the monster. I'm enhancing roleplay, wooo!
Monstering part 2- Got Kren'ed early on and asked to play a role for the weekend. Never been a Big Bad (Big Good?) before, was slightly nervous but think I managed to be sufficiently ranty/ belligerent for monday. :-D
Monstering part 3- Missed the Gryphons monster slot so went monstering saturday night to make up for it. Got to monster some sneaky M4 stuff. Forgotten how much fun it is sneaking around the back of someone's camp looking for targets.
Awakenings- Dwarf stone sorted, YAY! First cross-pollination awakening done, DOUBLE YAY!
Seeing the Harts come together over Albion. Been watching Harts players and former players posting IC/ group photos on FB. GO HARTS! *waves flag*
Tent sharing with
lady_ellior. Great company, lots of laughs. Probably the person who kept me from being stressed and gloomy the most. Runners up prize goes to
Watching some very old memories being shared. Intense stuff. Can't wait to see how it all comes out.
Sunday night elf pile.
Doug's face when I gave him his gin.
Helping on Games Ops. Took a little bit of pressure off the people who know how the system works.
Seeing how fab the new system is. Once the old and the new have integrated properly, everything at Ops should go much more smoothly*
*While there is power.
*Unless the loresheets aren't ready.
*As long as we have enough copies.
*And research results have been written.
*We know you're taking the piss about missing osps on your account, sunshine, don't push your luck.
Sarah "Don't worry about washing up, frying pans get clean again when they get really hot, right?"
Lauren "True. Hygiene is for mortals."
Rottentail "Chicks dig scabs."
Ta'Ci " I'm bringing the sexy back to the Bards!"
Sen "I think they would benefit more from bromide in their tea."
Sen "Caleb, can I borrow a boat?"
Caleb "What do you need it for?"
Sen "To go to sea."
Caleb " Yes, but what for?"
Sen "To go somewhere."
Caleb "Where to?"
Sen "A harbour."
Group of dark shapes 1 " Identify yourselves!"
Group of dark shapes 2 "Who are you?"
Group 1 " We're Vipers. Who are you?"
Group 2 *charges* "JOESEPH CURVEN!"
Vipers "SHIIIIIT!" *runs*
M4 *daggers*