"I taunt you with my monkey pants."

May 10, 2007 21:09

For my birthday, I bought myself the Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Chosen Collection - that's all seven seasons brought together in this nifty collectors box; enough slayericiousness to bring out the best in my couch potatoey self.

When I sat down to watch the first disk - two weeks and two days ago - I decided to make it a personal challenge to see how long it would take for me to cruise through all 40 eye-bleedingly awesome disks. I can proudly say that, as of today, I've damaged my eyes with 22 disks; that's all of seasons 1-4 and the first disk of season 5. And, for the record, we're talking actual sit-down-on-the-couch hours, not some wimpy clean-the-house-with-the-TV-on time, etc. I'm sure all of you can appreciate my dedication, since catching an hour's worth of uninterrupted TV time is hardly even possible when you have an 8-month-old. (You know, if I moved the TV in front of the treadmill and walked for each hour that I watched Buffy, I'd probably be at least 10 pounds closer to my weight loss goal. But that's would require actually getting on the treadmill... and snacks and TV go so much better together.)

As for Heroes: A coworker of mine recently stressed that he wasn't "too impressed" with this Monday's episode. He described it as "sort of an in between episode that could've been cut up for DVD extras." My response, of course, was to call him out on his blasphemy. In my opinion, it was a great episode that brought a lot of those "whu?" little pieces together to pull the story tighter and to get ready for the big finale. I loved the fact that Hiro was so adamantly opposed to becoming the cold-blooded avenger type that his future self had been. Likewise, the whole Sylar and his mom thing was a good super villain defining-type moment. It was just enough to bring him from psychopathic (though humanist) killer to uber nemesis. And the end, with Peter about to go nuclear, left me yelling "No!" at the screen because I so wanted the action to continue right then and there instead of being held off until next week. All in all, I was, ironically, left both satisfied and wanting. (Good little plot bunnies!)

In other news: My little peanut of a daughter broke again this week. Monday night, about 15 minutes before Heroes ended, she became this inconsolable little monster. Three hours of fussing later, I took her temp and was shocked that it was at 102.1. Turns out, after a night of sleeping in 10 minute intervals (for a grand total of 1 hour and 30 minutes for the night as a whole), that she has an ear infection. She's doing better now, of course. And the fact that she's now getting her top two teeth made the week a little brighter. And she did make me a Mother's Day present in day care... So I guess I'll let her off the hook this time. But, I swear, I'm thinking I should've gotten a warranty or something. I mean, parts, labor and maintenance on this kid are costing me a fortune! 

real life: baby, heroes, real life, tv: btvs

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