Dec 01, 2002 16:48
Well... today's the last day of break. I wish that we didn't have to go to school tomorrow. I have some homework that I need to do, unfortuneatly. Night is due sometime this week... I've already read it once, but I need to skim through it again because I need to write down 5 passages from it. I think I might do that in a lil while, since there's nuttin else to do.
I was supposed to go out to see Harry Potter 2 with Jenny and Hannah and Jenny's parents, but it turns out that I wasn't able to cause Mom said I couldn't. It was disappointing; I've wanted to see HP 2 for forever and a day now, but I guess that's just how things work out sometimes. I hope they had (have?) a good time, tho. But I hope Jenny knows that she'll be goin' with me to see it sometime soon, or she'll be watching it with me when it comes out on video! Hehe.
Shew. I dunno why, but I'm really, really cold right now. I'm all bundled up in my JJK winterguard sweatshirt and some practice pants, and I'm hoping that I'll warm up soon! My head is hurtin me. Shew. I just remembered that I have a posterboard that I hafta do for 4th block; it's due on Friday, so I think I'll do it sometime during the week. We might not end up having winterguard practice again til Friday, because we can't find a place to practice. Countdown to Randall and Dan: 5 days. Woo! I'm excited but apprehensive (go me, big word) at the same time. I'm really looking forward to seeing what they've come up with, but I could do without the bleeding that I know is coming, *LOL*
Well, I guess I might get off here now and start on my homework. Blah!