*Mister I'm Too Cool For School*

Nov 23, 2002 21:52

Well, today was a pretty good day, tho some shitty stuff happened.

Our fundraiser went well, I think. We made a little over $500, which puts us up somewhere around the $3000 mark. We still have a few more fundraisers to do (2, I think), so I think we'll make our goal of $4000... I think we might even exceed it. That would be awesome!

Well, turns out that Mr. Collins decided that the guard couldn't have the gym for practice from 2-6 like it was originally planned. We ended up having to go to BSG to practice in the community center thingie doo from 5-7. It's pretty sad that the JJ KELLY winterguard wasn't even allowed to practice in JJ KELLY and had to go to BIG STONE GAP! The teachers are always like, "participate in extracurricular activities!!!!!!" and when you do, they don't even provide a place to practice. Apparently, our lovely principal thinks we practice too long, but he doesn't realize we're competing nationally this year. If our practice hours are okay with our parents and us, why is it a concern of *his*? We're going to end up having guard camp with Randall and Dan in BSG, because Collins cancelled that for sure. Grr... he pisses me off. The disrespect the guard/band gets has got out of control lately, and I don't like it at all. JJ Kelly should not even be in our winterguard name... we get NO support from JJK... at all. They give us no money, and now we're even getting kicked out of our own high school gym. If anyone can tell me how that is fair, that would be greatly appreciated!

Anywho, at practice we did our warm-ups. They are painful! After warm-ups we did across the floors, and then we practiced weapon for a little while. After that, we learned some of our show! :) I love it already. We start laying down, all curled up, and then when the music in the background starts, it's a peeloff around the circle for us to do a little dancy thing and stand up. Then, there's another dancy thing which Randall and Dan are writing, and some girls go behind props to pick up flags. That's about how far we got. It's already harder b/c it's to words and not a song, but I think we can pull it off!!!! I'm excited.

I guess I'll get offa here now!

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