Sep 20, 2007 18:36
Posing for photographs to remember the past moment in the present. To remind us who we once were and how much we've grown. How much emphasis do you put on things of the past? How much do you look longingly into the future? Wherever you are in life, are you doing the things today to be a better person tomorrow? Its when we give up that we've truely given in and died.
Today I found joy in the silence and in working by myself in chestermere. Where is this going? Where isn't it going? There really is no other feeling in the world as there is to have peace. Its unlike anything i've ever experienced. When you have peace life has meaning, life is full, life is good. Its the intorductions that causes friendships. Friends help us to get through the darkest valleys and help us to rejoice when we are on the highest peak.
These were just some random thoughts that came to mind today when I was having lunch and coffee, I was feeling like I needed to write some thoughts down on paper and that is what came to me. I hope you get something from it.