(no subject)

May 26, 2006 23:34

Was quite happy before I went to update this. Now I just feel like shit, and I really wish I didn't.

I think about him all the time. That picture made me cry fuck sake I feel pure pathetic. It's been like 2 months...

I need someone to cheer me up. Suze kinda is hahaha she always cheers me up.

I'm cold right now and tired and booooored.

So since I last updated I'm not really sure what exactly has happened. Dad ordered a better graphics card and more RAM for my pc because the characters in gta were going a bit patchy and yeah I just needed a new graphics card. Mum wanted to go see The Da Vinci Code on her birthday but it wasnt out until Friday and she was working then so she was gutted. But then on tv it was getting really shitty reviews and its 2 and a half hours long and that puts mum off seeing it....which is a bit poo cause I wanted to go see it.

Not too sure about how my biology exam went. The general one was fairly easy except there was a spider crawling next to me while I was half way through the paper! Almost freaked out but I managed to stay calm and finish the exam. The credit seemed okay. I wasn't like wtf all the way through it. It's depressing though when you come out an exam that was a bit...not hard but like taxing and you have the major geeks like 'OH THAT WAS PURE EASY' and you don't want to see stupid and be all like 'No, It wasn't' but at the same time you're like FUCKING STOP GOING ON.

I miss him again. He's got nicer looking since he dumped me hahahahahaha. Must of depressed him. Just kidding. All the pictures I've seen of him recently are really clear. Before he took the shittiest pictures ever...plus all the recent ones have been taken by other people. His idea of nice looking was hiding half his face in the corner and taking pics of his eye and stuff. Boy, does he know how to turn someone on.


I got a cool case for my ipod. Theres this woman Cath Kidson who has the best fabric in the wooooooooorld. Anyway she makes tons of cool stuff and her magazine is soooooo snazzy anyway so mum got my the i-pod cover. It's like white fabric with multicoloured spots all over it and it's super nice :)

Hahahahaha forgot all about this for a while. Was trying to find my cousin on myspace. Don't think he's on it at all. Nope nope. Neither is his gf but shes a whore :D

So this is what an average day has been for me since Thursday...wake up, read a couple of chapters from my book (which btw is really good!) then watch The Jeremy Kyle Show, then watch This Morning (I'm a daytime tv geek) Then I go have a shower at half 12 when that finishes. Theeeen I go on my pc and play gta, theeeen time flies by and I have to go meet my sister at the bus stop cause she can't cross the big main road herself unless the lollypop man is there BLESS. Next I come home, listen to her rant on about school...then I usually make her dinner cause dads up in his bed not well...well hes actually going okay with the chemotherapy but I still have to do tons of stuff, so I make her dinner and sometimes his then we watch friends with dinner...then the simpsons then I go revise or check myspace or something or other. Then before you know it big brother is on then I go to bed and read more of my book until I can't stay awake :)

If mum isnt working we usually go out shopping. Usually its just browsing to get out the house cause it's pure boring. But the day goes in dead quickly when we do that too cause then we need to go pick up my sister and she hates shopping so she has to be taken home and yeah my life has been quite boring recently. I hate it when mum is working :(

I want to sleep, although I don't want to wake up. Not like ahhhhhhhhh I'm so suicidal just like I want to sleep for ageeeees and not wake up until something super interesting is going to happen.

I'm going to Glasgow next Saturday, wooo highlight of my week or month or year so far... Hahaha no it's not really. I kind of miss being at school. It's fun in a way like seeing all yer chums. Really can't wait to get back...although shortly after it'll be summer and all I'll probs do is read and sit out in the sun although thats boring and I don't want to end up with skin cancer but if I get factor 40 uvb protection and 5 star uva protection i'll be super fine! Although I look stupid with a tan...and I don't tan very easily...nor do I burn....I just stay pale all the time. I wanna get kinda tanned though cause the lightest colour of foundation is too orange for me so if I get a little bit tanner then it might look better or it might end up worse cause i'll be brown and have an orange face and people will think I've been dipped in paint :)

Suzanne is pressurising me to finish this. If I stop and click update or whatever the button says then I won't be in the mood for typing anymore and right now I want to go on forever about how boring this week has been. Ohhhhhh on Tuesday after my exam me and mum or mum and I went to cavanis, or however its spelt, for our lunch then we got ice cream and went down the shore, well not the actual shore cause we sat in the cat but the mad bit near iceland thats a wee side bit and theres a boarded up house and a little boat in the water ANYWAY we went there to eat our ice cream while we waited for it to be 3 so we could pick up my sister...annnnd...this weird girl came walking with a red coat and I was like wtf cause all this place consisted of is and lil doorway that takes you down to dangerous rocks, a boarded up house where the front door has been knocked down and I think homeless people sleep there...and a huge concreted area. So first of all she searched the dangerous bit and me and mum were watching in the rear view mirror so it didn't look obvious hahaha and then she came out of there and walked along to the house theeen she went up stairs and was there for ages and I was like bet shes taking drugs or something and mum agreed. About 20 mins later she came back down and headed back towards iceland and she was almost dancing as she walked...mum said she had a spring in her step so she must have taken something cause before she was all depressed looking and she came back super jolly.

That must have been the worst told story ever. I just wanted to get it all out really quickly and still keep up with suze talking hahahahaha.

That'll do for now cause my fingers hurt now...just my left hand really, it always gets all cramped up and sore first. Bet i'll end up developing repetitive strain injury from all this typing. Livejournal is dangerous so it is.

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