(no subject)

Oct 25, 2005 17:10

I am waiting impatiently for a phonecall so I stole

1* First grade teacher's name: Miss Taylor/Mrs Newton
2* Last word you said: Yes
3* Last song you sang: The Beatles - I Am The Walrus

4* Last person you hugged: Cam
5* Last thing you laughed at? Haha, Cam not being able to choose a FREAKIN TIE! Then being a loser with his guitar in the middle of the main road.
6* Last time you said I don't remember: I don't remember (that is inevitable, surely?)
7* Last time you cried? Probably last night. I cry in the Huggies baby ad for God's sake!


9* What color socks are you wearing: I'm not, I have fishnets on.
10* What's under your bed? HSC notes, shoes, junk, mess etc.
11* What time did you wake up today: 7 GOD DAMN AM!!! It sucked.

12* Current taste: Popcorn
13* Current hair: Messy, dirty and in bad need of a haircut.

15* Current annoyance: Stepping in the puppy's pee everywhere I go.
16* Current longing: Finality.

17* Current desktop background: The cover of The Beatles Sgt Pepper and The Lonely Hearts Clubs Band 
18* Current worry: HSC results. University.

19* Current hate: see above
20* Current favorite article of clothing: The cheap rag looking dress I bought today.

26* If you could play an instrument, what would it be: I wish I could play harmonica better, and I've always wanted to play sax or violin. Pretty much every instrument actually.
27* Favorite color: Red

28* Do you believe in an afterlife: I'm not sure.
29* How tall are you: No idea. About 165cm? Is that short?

30* Current favorite word/saying: Neat.
31* Favorite book: Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka
32* Favorite season: Winter

33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Nathan


35* Where do you want to go for college? Melbourne.
36* What is your career going to be like: Probably unfulfilling.
37* How many kids do you want: I've always thought I didn't want any but I might change my mind.


40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: Haha. No. But James once put his cute little puppy in a pillowcase and swung it around! How horrible is that!

41* Been to New York: I wish. I will hopefully have my plane ticket waiting the day I finish Uni. I hope to work there.

42* Been to Florida: No

43* Been to California: No
44* Been to Hawaii: No
45* Been to Mexico: No
46* Been to China: I wish
47* Been to Idaho: No
48* Been to Australia: Haha...yes

49*been to Italy: Yes

::again we can't count? 49 to 52??::

52* Do you have a crush on someone: Pretty much everyone.
53* What book are you reading now: No-one Here Gets Out Alive: The Biography of Jim Morrison.
54* Worst feeling in the world: it.
55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: I don't usually wake up in the morning. Go 1pm wake ups.

56* How many rings before you answer: Stupid question, I don't know.
58* Future son's name: If I had one, probably Jesus but pronounced like a Mexican in Meh-he-co. Like Hey-Zeus.
59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Cot Ted sits on my dresser as does the toy Karina gave me.
60* If you could have any job you wanted: Poet or writer or photographer.
61* Wish you were where: *sings Pink Floyd "wish you were herrrre" um in Russia. I always wish I was in Russia.

62* Future College plans: Preferences in for Melbourne and Sydney. Not sure where I'll go.

63* Piercings: Ears. Now that stupid Catholic school rules can't stop me I'm going all out and getting my eyebrow, lip and somewhere else done.
64* Do you do drugs: Not as a constant "do" thing. Except for chocolate. I do chocolate.

65* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use? The stuff the hairdresser gave me.
66* What are you most scared of: Silence and bugs. Especially moths. Oh, and the possessed Spongebob toy in Cameron's room.
67* What clothes do you sleep in? Whatever t-shirt i'm wearing and a pair of undies in winter. Usually naked in summer because it's too damn hot and the days makeup because I'm too lazy to wash it off.
68* Who is the last person that called you: Cam. Hmm he's come up a lot in this. Trust me that's just a coincidence.

69* Where do you want to get married? No idea. Somewhere lavish.

70* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: Hehe, my thumbs :( I know I'm such a loser but I hate them.

71* Who do you really hate: Oooh, nobody I don't think! Oh wait Alec Payne hehe :P
72* Are you timely or always late: ALWAYS late :P Sorry guys.
73* Do you have a job: No and it is GREAT!
74* Do you like being around people? People who are decent, yes.
75* Best feeling in the world?: Laughing

76* Are you for world peace: Yes
77* Are you a health freak: Haha, no not anymore.

78* Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: I don't think so.

79* Do you want someone you don't have: Yes, the guy at Pure and Natural, the Jaracweski or whatever one that was in Cam's band. He is so fine :P

80* Are you lonely right now: No sir-ee.

81* Think fake people are stupid: Posers, music elitists, girls wearing Ramones shirts, non-conformists who are conforming etc YES.
82* Do you want to get married: Not until I'm at least 30.
83* Do you want kids? See #37


84* Cried: See #7
85* Bought Something: Lots today :D
86* Gotten Sick: No
87* Sang: Yep

88* Said I Love You: Heck no!

89* Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them: Hmm no.

90* Met Someone: Ohh, I got this really cute guy's number while I was waiting for Cam. His name was Brett and he's here on holidays and mmmm very cute. He likes The Beatles and he liked my shirt :D
91* Moved On: No

92* Talked To Someone: Ah...yes. Of course.

93* Had A Serious Talk: Yep, with my sis about her wedding and fiance etc.

94* Missed Someone: My Dad, he is in QLD at the car races :(

95* Hugged Someone: Yep, Cam before he left.
96* Yelled at Someone? My Mom when she wouldn't stop hassling me about lunch while I was on the phone! DON'T HASSLE THE HOFF!
97* Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be with: No
98* Kissed someone: Yep, Cam before I he left.
99* Have you ever been heartbroken: I'm not sure. off  Shamoke who stole it off someone else etc. I'm sure you won't be bothered to read it all. I got lots of schtuff today. YESSUH!
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