Jan 07, 2006 20:46
Soooo. I got my Camaro the other day, and I love it. It's the hottest car ever. I'm moving a week from today. I'm very excited. A little nervous, but mostly excited. I am so sick of the cold and the snow and the ice. I really hope I will meet people fast. The only people I'm going to know are my cousins, my aunt and uncle, and my grandparents who live three hours away. I would really like to meet someone there. Like, the one. You know. I hope I can get a good job. I think I'll be able to. If I have to take a bread and butter job for a little bit then I have to. I have bills I have to pay. I'm going to miss my friends and family here, but I can't stay for them. I'm moving for me. This is what I have to do to be happy. I have wanted to live in Florida since I can remember. No joke. It is going to be hard to leave them all. Especially Adriana and Amanda. Although Adriana seems to be the only one that cares. I hope she moves down there in a couple years with Dillon. That would be so awesome. Just like old times, right? I'm leaving my life here. I'm starting new there. New people, surroundings, jobs, attitudes, feelings, everything. I honestly do not think anyone except my mom and dad will ever call me. Adriana probably will. Amanda won't. She doesn't call me here, why would she call me there? The only difference is 1500 miles. She doesn't care like she use to. I have four days of work left. Thursday the 12th is my last day. That will be hard too. I have a great job and I like the people I work with. Then on Friday I have so much to do so I can leave the next day. I'm leaving at 5am on Saturday. Going to drive 5-5 on Saturday and complete the trip Sunday. I'm so nervous. Excited, nervous. You name it, I'm probably feeling it. I do hope my friends stay in touch. It's going to be hard. Who am I kidding, it never happens. People move away all the time in all different parts of the country to other parts of the country and swear they will stay in touch. They rarely do. Some people might say that's me being pessimistic, but really its reality. I'm really going to miss my mom and my dog Gretchen. I know though if I don't go I will regret it. It might be hard to go, but I have to. God, it's going to be so hard. I have to go.