Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then, pick six of your friends and tag them; no tag backs. This explanation should be included.
Tagged by my most specialest
doctor_sasuke ilu her moar than oxygen ;DDD: *chokegaspdiebleed*
1. 99 years underneath that ground I can't forget the day I shot that bad bitch down
2. farking school teachers are too busy smoking crack and masturbating to chemistry in the corner to take freaking role making the bitchin office call and spam my machine with "CUTTING CLASSES LOL B&" =____x;;
3. if it were possible to get obese off of tomatoes, i would be rolling to class and getting stuck in the door frame everyday
4. im bringing sexy back *lynches self*
5. the only animu i really pay attention to nowadays is like... guro. you know. the good stuff. where the guy disembowels the girls with a burning dildo and goes "HAY BAYBAY UR INTESTINES GOT IT GOIN ONN" all the wise, its all been done before honies
sex. barbeque sauce is good on everything and i mean EVERYTHING just like johnny cash.
8. am i doing this right
12. Stop.
9. Homework time.
EDIT: Tagging
alarivana panksterdasmaedelgypso_childred_dish anndd