Why do we hold ourselves back from saying what truly is in our hearts? Why NOT blurt out anything that comes to mind?!?! People are only boring when they mask what they feel. WHO THE FUCK CARES IF ITS INAPROPIATE OR WEIRD. You will only end up looking duped and having a lack of ideas. Unless you really do suck lol I hate stupid garrulous assbitches. But it hella pisses me off when ppl complain about shit yet wont get off their fat asses to change it. Don't like your schedual? FLIP A FARKING DESK OR TWO AND MAKE THAT BOARD OF STAFF UNDERSTAND YOU ARE THE WORSE STUDENT TO FUCKING MISPLACE. People seem to give better responses to crazyness instead of toughness. When you act tuff, it threatens others so they feel they have to bump themselves back up the food chain by fuckin yo' ass up. But no one fucks with a crazy person. Gunna get gangraped? WHIP OUT YOUR DICK AND PISS ON THEM SCREAMING HOW CLOWNS ARE GUNNA EAT YOU WHILE YOUR SLEEPING.
But srsly u gayz. When don't be shy around people you idolize. Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst is unquenchable? If they don't like the unveiled you, then screw em. They can go fap to furries in hell. LIKE PANK SAID ONCE You have to stop and look at the load you're carrying before you can be relieved~or something. Look at the people love you for who you really are. You can say the stupidest shit and they won't leave you dying in some ditch in farking Arizona. THEY ARE THE GARDERNERS THAT LET OUR SOULS BLOSSOM!!!11 or however that quote went. HERES ANOTHER CHICKAS:
"Finish every day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. This day is all that is good and fair. It is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays." Quoth my dearest
doctor_sasuke Kso. When you worry about what people think of you too much, you can get all choked up and end up not revealing your inner awesomeness. So they are gunna think you are a dipshit anyway. SEIZE THE DAY and dont shoot me in the face for being cliche. When issues aren't worked out, they end up growing like knots in your heart. And then all those phobias develop blah blah SHH I JUST LIKE TO WORK EVERYTHING OUT WITH LOGIC BEFORE I CAN REST. /Your flaws grow. If you don't make your mistakes loud and obnoxious, you can't fix them. If you just go around shy all the time afraid someone is gunna expose your retardedness then I hope you are happy with your low wavelength life. ITS ALL OR NOTHING BABY. BLISS IN ITS FULLEST, INTOXICATION AT ITS FULLEST, RAGE AT ITS FULLEST ETC ETC.
Wurds of inspiration maeks me feel goodz.
Proper grammer is fer pompous faggots D: