
Jul 13, 2013 23:54

It's been really hard for me to talk about my life in an open forum for a while Mostly because I'm not where I want to be. I want to do more with singing, but unfortunately if i don't want to teach someone else  to do what I do,it's really hard to find steady work as a musician. At least in my case, and especially when you have to make a certain amount of money every month to stay in a place that keeps you dry and relatively free of vermin. Hence I complain about my job.

I've also come to the realization that mentally I've returned to a very angry place in relation to other people. For a while there, I think I actually enjoyed interactions with strangers. Not so with my current employment situation. Where I work there are some people that I interact with who are very angry that they are ignorant of how their insurance works. I think some people believe that insurance is MAGIC and poof! things should just be paid for. God I wish it was.

Rrrrrr...well what i'm really trying to transition to is a little story I want to share with my one -perhaps one and a half!- readers out there where a person came up to where I was working and started to demand things I could not provide. The problem I'm having is trying to explain something without actually revealing specifics. See I would like to make this post public and if I do there is a slim, lottery like chance that my current or potential employer may see this and may not like it. (I don't see how they could as I do not have my real name posted and I haven't revealed my current employer on any digital platform I currently subscibe, but it's smart to cover one's posterior anyway.

So how to handle this...let's try heavy metaphor!

So I was divining the secets of the afterdeath when a poly-sex turnip asked if I could tell them  how much his/her/its insecticides would cost  when using his/her/its contract with a bizarre translucent bagel it had. I informed the turnip that this would not be possible as I would need the wish of a rock-lobster to do so. Well, the turnip did not like this answer as she did not want to ask the lobster what wish it had and demanded to know why a Yearning from a hermit crab would not suffice. I tried to explain that these were two things not the same thing. But the turnip was a turnip and how do you explain things to a turnip once it decides it wants something. Ultimately she decided to not get her insecticides with us becasue it would take too much work on her half to get what they wanted.

Well that was easier than I thought.
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