"I can see the way things should be, I can even think of ways to get there, but because of the fact that people will just do whatever they want to do and it's not my place to say, "No, that's just wrong," I just sit and watch things get worse."
Sounds like you're putting your eggs in other people's baskets. Perhaps you should pursue more independant projects between your group collaborations to achieve the vision you see. It's possible, all dreams are possible. Except for that one where you're like running in slow motion down an ever-extending hallway. That only happens in movies.
i dont know, man. i think we ARE meant to live life the way we want. but you have to work like a maniac to get things the way you want them to be. you have to try and try and try and never give up. the problem is, most people give up, and end up someplace they don't want to be. if you can see where you want to be, that's half the battle. the other half is the trying, every day, every day. don't give up.
i feel like that too. this summer sucks because i'm doing what i'm "suppose" to do: get credits out of the way so i can take courses that build on top of them. but i already decided that next summer is mine and i'm not taking school and i'm going to travel a bit more and i'm going to read some darn pleasure books. little things at a time.
Comments 4
Sounds like you're putting your eggs in other people's baskets. Perhaps you should pursue more independant projects between your group collaborations to achieve the vision you see. It's possible, all dreams are possible. Except for that one where you're like running in slow motion down an ever-extending hallway. That only happens in movies.
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