
May 27, 2012 09:59

I have had such a great week and had an amazing Saturday. I finally got to go to the cemetery to watch a movie and found this jewel of a pizza place on sunset, it was the epitome of a perfect Saturday night.

This week most of my friends graduated with their undergrad degree and I was so happy to see them finally achieving their goals and become a part of the small percentage of people graduating with times becoming so tough. It gave me some motivation for the future to keep going because the next time it will be me :)

This old man yelled at my to be quiet because he said he wanted to hear the ceremony but then he fell asleep during it Wth?!? I made this with an app...

More pictures..

I love this picture..

We went out to celebrate that night :)...

Earlier this week, it was Ryan's birthday we went to $2 Tuesday at Maggie's haha that was one interesting night...

Ryan backing his thing up on us haha.

These have been the highlights of my week :)
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