Seriously being a girl can really suck!! Stupid hormones have my mind racing about different insecurities that I don't have any other time of the month. I'm trying my best to not let those thoughts and feelings take over. Although I thought of maybe the thoughts that come out at this time are ones that I really do feel but I suppress them? I have no idea but I just try not to let then get to me.
Anyways today was a beautiful day I started mine off by getting together with coworkers to take a picture for a community involvement we have to participate in..
I made a collage of the pictures we taken but today is the long one
on the right. We donated to the goodwill, that was very interesting haha. Then I went outside to soak up the sun and get some color. I felt like I needed today a break from school work bc I spent my whoole day Saturday doing work to get ahead bc I have a very busy Monday ahead of me next week. Ugh I just stressed myself out, a part of me wishes I was an insomniac so I could be more productive haha. But I ended the day with family, they always crack me up with the things they come up with and say. It was nice to see them especially my aunt. I'm glad to see her more happy more so her spirit is lifted :) life is too short to not be happy unless you're me at this moment. Well goodnight!!
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