It has been soooo long since I've posted anything over here. I'm still around! Maybe not quite as frequently as I used to be but I still at least try to read what other people have been doing and saying every couple of weeks or so. First things first, hello
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How are you doing? Are you in the same area too? I know you were talking about potentially moving a while ago. I'll let you know how my group-joining adventures go (assuming I work up the nerve). I went to and searched for "stargate," found nothing, and then broadened it to "scifi." You can search within so many miles of a city and it will give you a list of all the groups that might potentially be of interest. It's a cool idea.
I'm also thinking of joining a hiking group, or this one that's like a historical walking tours thing. I need to start with one group and then I think it will be less scary to jump into others, once I realize most people are friendly and welcoming, otherwise they wouldn't have put their group up on this site in the first place!
We ended up not moving. As we got close enough to time that we were looking at houses and schools for my youngest, we started having doubts. She's heavily into FFA (vice president) and raising animals at the FFA farm. The only school that looked good enough I would send her there had no FFA anything. That is a big part of her career path. We looked at maybe getting land and just raising/showing animals through 4H or something, but it was going to be really hard and still without the extra leadership opportunities of FFA. So we decided to stay put and poor hubby/daddy gets to keep communiting and living away a lot. He was the one making the final decision and that's what he thought was best for her. Her calf got reserve grand champion at the district fair, so I think she's happy he did.
I may have to look into the group thing (if I can figure out when I would have time). Sometimes I would dearly to love to sit and discuss SGA with someone who cared. Let me know how your adventure goes!!
You must be relieved you're not moving! It's so much work and takes so long both to prepare for, do, and then settle in again. Congrats to your daughter!!! That's a great accomplishment. I'm all jealous at the idea of rural living. I'd love to have a bunch of land and raise animals (although I'd have no clue what I was doing.) I've lived in cities for a number of years now, and realize I really really like small towns (and less crowds and traffic!) the most.
Do look into the group thing! At least to scope out what's in your area. We need to go to a con again so we can talk SGA for hours and hours... :)
Part of me is relieved to not be moving but I have to admit, when we were talking about getting some land and raising animals, I liked that idea. Plus, I would have retired from teaching and most likely just picked up a part time job. I liked that part a lot. On the other hand, I would have been six hours from my five-year old grandson instead of five minutes. That thought was horrible. I think it's good we stayed where we are.
I checked out the meetup site and nothing SGA or even science fiction around here. I kind of figured. Also searched for writing groups, but no. And we definitely need to meet up at a con again!!! I miss that.
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