Expanding my circle of friends

Jan 25, 2013 18:04

It has been soooo long since I've posted anything over here. I'm still around! Maybe not quite as frequently as I used to be but I still at least try to read what other people have been doing and saying every couple of weeks or so. First things first, hello!

Second, I moved a little less than two years ago to the DC-Baltimore area and have made a small group of friends here, but I'm feeling like I need to expand that circle a bit. I've made such great friends here on LJ though, that my first thought was to look up a Stargate themed group or meetup out here, or even a Hawaii 5-0 one! I did not find any. :( I did find a few general Scifi/fantasy groups that could fit the bill though.

But here's the thing - it's a little intimidating to show up at a get-together without knowing anyone there. There's no doubt in my mind that everyone would be more than friendly and welcoming, but still. I'm a little on the shy side so this is a little nerve-wracking. Has anyone ever joined up with an in-person fan group before? What was your experience like? Any suggestions for me?

Hope everyone's doing well! I will try not to go months on end again without popping over here to say hello.
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