
Oct 21, 2010 21:12

[Filtered from the drones, Grady, Mayor, and the Smiths]

Okay, listen up everyone. Last night I had a nice little talk with our friend, Sergei. Nice, but clearly not all right in the head. Anyway, he gave me some clues as to what exactly is going on in this place. First of all, some kind of war and a project that was made presumably during that war, but like all wars, the project was dangerous and couldn't be sustained. Then the creator was killed for trying to warn everyone about his own project.

If you'd like to see the documents for yourself, come to Makeout Point and I'll show them to you. Can't risk too much over the network. And please, if you know anything else, tell me. We need to start putting together these pieces as fast as we can, before things get worse.

And avoid being bothered by the new guests in Hazmat suits and don't let them follow you. It's pretty clear that they're not here to clean up the town for us. So let's try to avoid being killed needlessly, shall we?

Finally, let's not do anything stupid and start trying to attack each other for being Communist or what not. I know humans get scared stupid and get easily manipulated, but try to be better than that. We're all stuck here together, the Smiths are our enemies so let's stick together to get everyone home. And if you have a problem with that, feel free to talk to me about it. [The last part is said calmly, but... is that a hint of a threat?]


[True to his word, the Doctor is waiting at the edge of Makeout Point with the two documents in hand. He's clearly tense as he keeps checking around for anyone who could have followed him. He's leaning against a car with its bight headlights illuminated, good for keeping a look out and keeping away any drone teenagers who might try to meet there. He stares at the documents for a few moments before raising his head to look around for anyone, his face extremely serious]

event: better dead, listen up mayfield, this is serious business

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